| - “The universe is a vast stage set up to amuse you and spark your curiosity, and you are the ultimate trickster—amusing, unrivaled, and deadly."[PH:174] Prerequisite: 21st level; Dexterity 21 or Charisma 21; training in Acrobatics, Bluff, Stealth, or Thievery Sly Fortune’s Favor (21st level): You have a knack for getting out of tough situations. Three times per day, as a free action, you can reroll a d20 roll (attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw).
| - “The universe is a vast stage set up to amuse you and spark your curiosity, and you are the ultimate trickster—amusing, unrivaled, and deadly."[PH:174] Prerequisite: 21st level; Dexterity 21 or Charisma 21; training in Acrobatics, Bluff, Stealth, or Thievery Travel by Crooked Paths: When you complete your final quest, your legendary reputation is assured. The stories of your convoluted exploits live forever. If you stand with your companions and see them through their final quest, embracing their cause as yours, you are acclaimed a true hero. You are acquitted of past transgressions, if any, and you are commended for conquering your erratic temperament when it counted most. You are invited into the realm of the entity you most admire and provided a palace, riches, true friends, and a legacy told and retold for a thousand years describing how the Trickster’s changeable nature burned steady and pure in the finally tally. If, however, you betray your comrades and disrupt the completion of their final quest (or merely fail to aid them), you are cast out by all who once loved or trusted you. Your worst enemies welcome you to their courts as a newfound friend, and your name becomes a dark curse, forever despised by all who hear it. Sly Fortune’s Favor (21st level): You have a knack for getting out of tough situations. Three times per day, as a free action, you can reroll a d20 roll (attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw). Trickster’s Control (24th level): If you roll an 18 or higher on the d20 when making the first attack roll for an encounter or daily attack power, that power is not expended. Trickster’s Disposition (30th level): Once perday, you can tell the DM to treat the result of a d20 roll he just made as a 1. No rerolls are possible.