| - Terriermon is a fictional character from the Digimon media franchise. Terriermon is the partner digimon of Henry Wong. He appears as a main character in the Digimon Tamers anime series (as well as the two related movies Battle of Adventurers and Runaway Locomon).
- Terriermons Digitationen: Gummymon - Terriermon - Gargomon - Rapidmon - Megagargomon Terriermon sind friedliche Digimon die unter bestimmten Bedingen fliegen können.Der Partner von Henry Wong ist ein Terriermon. Kategorie:Digimon
- Terriermon is a Rookie Level Beast Digimon. Although he looks like a bunny because of his long ears, he is actually modelled after a dog, and named after a group of dog breeds
* Bunny Blast (Blazing Fire): Fires energy blasts from his mouth. This can be either in a rapid round of tiny blasts, or in one large concentrated blast.
* Terrier Tornado (Petit Twister): Spins himself around and shoots a green tornado at his enemies.
- Terriermon sind kleine, grüne Tierdigimon mit langen Ohren, mit welchen sie, bei passenden Windbedingungen, sogar durch die Luft gleiten können. Sie haben ein ruhiges und verspieltes Wesen und meiden den Kampf.
- Terriermon is an Animal Digimon. It is an extremely precious Rookie Digimon that is a twin to Lopmon. While Terriermon has only one horn growing from its head and has a calm but robust personality, Lopmon has three horns growing from its head and has the personality of a lonely crybaby. It is a Digimon shrouded in mystery, and it can be classified as a Beast-species Digimon from its body structure, but it's still not understood what kind of digivolved form it will take on. Also, it is rumored that it is sometimes born with its twin. It's a very cute type of Digimon, and from its calm behavior it doesn't seem like a "Combat Species", but when battling, it shows that it is more powerful than it appears.