| - Stanley Kubrick was an American film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer and editor who did most of his work as an expatriate in the United Kingdom. He is regarded as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. His films, typically adaptations of novels or short stories, are noted for their "dazzling" and unique cinematography, attention to details to achieve realism and an inspired use of music scores. Kubrick's films covered a variety of genres, including war, crime, romantic and black comedies, horror, epic and science fiction. Kubrick was also noted for being a perfectionist, using painstaking care with scene staging and working closely with his actors.
- Stanley Kubrick est né le 26 juillet 1928 à New York, et décédé le 7 mars 1999 à son domicile d'Hertfordshire dans la banlieue de Londres, fut directeur de la photographie, réalisateur, producteur, scénariste, acteur et monteur britannique naturalisé américain.
- Stanley Kubrick is an American person.
- Stanley Kubrick (*Nueva York, Estados Unidos, 26 de julio de 1928 - † Harpenden, Reino Unido, 7 de marzo de 1999) fue un famoso guionista, productor y director de cine estadounidense de quien se ha destacado tanto su perfección técnica como su alto y profundo simbolismo intelectual haciéndolo uno de los más respetados, controvertidos y más grandes directores del Siglo XX. Sólo realizó trece películas en toda su carrera, entre las cuales se encuentran varias películas críticamente aclamadas como Lolita, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: Odisea del Espacio, La Naranja Mecánica, El Resplandor y Espartaco.
- Stanley Kubrick (1928 - 1999) Born To confuse normal people, succeeded and died. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Hiel Stanley Kubrick (1928 yulul 26 - 1999 mäzul 7) äbinom biomagodemidilekan ä -prodan Lamerikänik famik ä flunilabik, kel ägetom premis mödik (el Oscar, el Bafta ed el Golden Globe) e kel palecedom as balan gretikünas tumyela 20id. Ädilekom numi no pülik biomagodemas vemo pelelobölas ed i pekrütölas. El Kubrick ädistükom oki sekü kurat, me kel ävälom yegädis okik, sekü vobametod neviföfik okik, sekü distöf stülas biomagodemas okik e sekü pösodöf soelöfiloföl oka, ledino tefü biomagodems e lif it okiks.
- Stanley Kubrick (26 de julio de 1928 - 7 de marzo, de 1999) fue un cineasta estadounidense, famoso por su variedad de géneros y su lento sistema de trabajo.
- Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 - March 7, 1999), was an American film director, producer, editor, screenwriter and photographer from New York City.
- Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999) was an American film director and film producer, generally considered one of the most innovative and influential filmmakers of his generation. Born in the Bronx in New York City to Jewish parents of Austro-Romanian and Polish origin, he became interested in photography at a young age, and after graduating high school he obtained a job with the primarily photographic magazine Look, first working freelance and eventually becoming a full-time staff member. He made his foray into filmmaking by directing several promotional and documentary shorts for RKO Pictures, most of which were financed and made solely by Kubrick himself.
- Stanley Kubrick (July 26, 1928 – March 7, 1999) was an American cinematographer, editor, film director, producer, and screenwriter.
- Stanley Kubrick était un réalisateur de cinéma américain. Il est né le 26 juillet 1928 à New York, soit en pleine période de la grande répression. Cette période l'a beaucoup marqué, et on en voit d'ailleurs la trace dans nombre de ses films qui ont pour cadre le marché impitoyable de Wall Street. On lui doit également des chefs-d'œuvres comme 2001 : L'odyssée de l'espace (2001, l'Odyssée de l'espace) ou Orange Mécanique.
- Stanley Kubrick nascut el 1928 en el Bronx, Nova York - muridu just 666 dies abans del 2001. Els seus pares no semblaven estar preocupats per la crisi econòmica d'aquest temps, i li van comprar al petit Stanley o, com li deien ells, Tully, que a Polònia (lloc d'on va descendir la família) significa "Cérvol Sense Banyes", Imatge:100px-HAL_9000.gifuna càmera de fotos normal de l'època. El seu pare, l'oncle Zully i ell estaven fascinats amb la fotografia,i amb el nazisme, però més Stanley, per la qual cosa caminava d'aquí cap enllà buscant vells senils i sorprendre'ls mentre llencen monedes a les colomes del parc (típic símptoma de ser senil en aquesta època: els vells es confonien les molles de pa amb monedes i per tant al veure que les colomes les rebutjaven, la frustració els regnava i vai