A Year With Frog and Toad is a children's musical, based on the Frog and Toad book series for young readers by Arnold Lobel. Both the series and the musical revolve around two best friends named Frog and Toad, who spend their time together drinking tea, taking walks, baking cookies, going swimming, and generally being best friends. Frog is the more cheerful and upbeat of the two friends, whereas Toad is generally grumpy and very easily discouraged. Their adventures are accompanied by several other forest creatures (usually played by the same three actors).
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| - A Year With Frog and Toad is a children's musical, based on the Frog and Toad book series for young readers by Arnold Lobel. Both the series and the musical revolve around two best friends named Frog and Toad, who spend their time together drinking tea, taking walks, baking cookies, going swimming, and generally being best friends. Frog is the more cheerful and upbeat of the two friends, whereas Toad is generally grumpy and very easily discouraged. Their adventures are accompanied by several other forest creatures (usually played by the same three actors).
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| - A Year With Frog and Toad is a children's musical, based on the Frog and Toad book series for young readers by Arnold Lobel. Both the series and the musical revolve around two best friends named Frog and Toad, who spend their time together drinking tea, taking walks, baking cookies, going swimming, and generally being best friends. Frog is the more cheerful and upbeat of the two friends, whereas Toad is generally grumpy and very easily discouraged. Their adventures are accompanied by several other forest creatures (usually played by the same three actors).
* Big Damn Heroes: Subverted in "Toad to the Rescue"
* Brick Joke: Snail is carrying a letter, a most important letter.
* Funny Animal
* Here We Go Again
* Heterosexual Life Partners
* Ho Yay: TONS. "Frog is the frog / Toad is the toad / of my dreeeeeeaaaaaaams ... "
* "One thing that will never change: Frog and Toad will always be best friends"
* Jerkass: The Birds quickly approach this at the top of Act 2 in "Kite," with their nigh-on merciless berating of Toad's and Frog's ability to fly their kite.
* Obsessed Are the Listmakers: Toad.
* Running Gag: The Snail with the Mail. (Get it? Running gag? Because Snail is actually quite slow!)
* The Woobie: Toad.