| - The Tenctonese, referred to as Newcomers by some Humans, are a race of bipedal sapient humanoids indigenous to the planet Tencton which are known for their genetic enhancement of certain members of their own species, for the express purpose of creating a subspecies of Tenctonese slaves that are distributed amongst their various colony worlds. A significant group of these slaves ended up on Earth, where they attempted to intermingle with the local Human culture and properly integrate themselves into their adopted home.
- The Tenctonese, also known as Newcomers, are a humanoid species in the Alien Nation, television series and earlier film, as well as the later Alien Nation telefilm series. They are from the planet Tencton, though references to numerous slave colonies throughout the series and telemovies indicate that they are widespread beyond their own planet. They are easily distinguished from humans by their hairless, spotted heads. According to the show, more than a quarter of a million Tenctonese reside on Earth in the United States, mostly in the Los Angeles area.
| - The Tenctonese, referred to as Newcomers by some Humans, are a race of bipedal sapient humanoids indigenous to the planet Tencton which are known for their genetic enhancement of certain members of their own species, for the express purpose of creating a subspecies of Tenctonese slaves that are distributed amongst their various colony worlds. A significant group of these slaves ended up on Earth, where they attempted to intermingle with the local Human culture and properly integrate themselves into their adopted home. The Tenctonese arrived upon Earth in October 19, 1988 when the six-mile-long slave ship Gruza - a spacecraft from their homeworld transporting 250,000 Tenctonese slaves - crash-landed in the Mojave desert, right outside Los Angeles, California. These slaves were especially bred and genetically engineered for hard labor in any environment; their slavers, whom could be identified by their jagged wrist tattoos, used hallucinogenic nerve gases to induce fear and keep the slaves submissive. This exploitative act would lead to the slave subspecies' culture and mythologies which personified roles for Tenctonese "demons". However, these hallucinogenic gases intertwined with their cultural mythology and the conditions of their enslavement, and therefore several years had to pass before any Tenctonese could even begin to recall there having been anyone on the slave ship to rebel against or even that there had been rebellion attempts such as the Udara faction.
- The Tenctonese, also known as Newcomers, are a humanoid species in the Alien Nation, television series and earlier film, as well as the later Alien Nation telefilm series. They are from the planet Tencton, though references to numerous slave colonies throughout the series and telemovies indicate that they are widespread beyond their own planet. They are easily distinguished from humans by their hairless, spotted heads. According to the show, more than a quarter of a million Tenctonese reside on Earth in the United States, mostly in the Los Angeles area. Tenctonese are taken from their parents as children at the age of ten and their tasks are allotted to them. Some of these children are chosen to be "Kleezantsun(popping sound)" or Overseers and are specially conditioned. There are several levels of Overseers, from lowly civilian slave group leaders in charge of the procurement and transport of slaves, to commanders of military vessels, with the highest-ranking Tenctonese seen (so far) being a Fleet Commander with subordinate commanders, addressed as "Excellency." Whether there is a master race to the Tenctonese, or if a small segment of the Tenctonese themselves rule the slaves under them, has never been made exactly clear. Though it has been stated that they are a genetically engineered race designed for any work environment.