Bamia is a world that was created in the year 1456mc iit is a midevil time. Not many people are rich enough to feed their family so a lot families sing up to be a bounty hunter and many die so it is a hard time. That time was soon plunged into a more modern time we were brought into the industralia arae. We were plunged into this time because of the Dwarfs. They invented gunpowder and they did not know it. when crates of it were lying around a foolish boy was running around with a stick on fire. His father came out after him and he got so upset he dropped it and the stick rolled into the gunpowder. The boy and his father were badly injured the boy died a slow and painful death. The Dwarfs started to sell the gunpowder for gold. for a bag 4G for a large bag 6G and fora crate 14G many peopl
Bamia is a world that was created in the year 1456mc iit is a midevil time. Not many people are rich enough to feed their family so a lot families sing up to be a bounty hunter and many die so it is a hard time. That time was soon plunged into a more modern time we were brought into the industralia arae. We were plunged into this time because of the Dwarfs. They invented gunpowder and they did not know it. when crates of it were lying around a foolish boy was running around with a stick on fire. His father came out after him and he got so upset he dropped it and the stick rolled into the gunpowder. The boy and his father were badly injured the boy died a slow and painful death. The Dwarfs started to sell the gunpowder for gold. for a bag 4G for a large bag 6G and fora crate 14G many people did bye it but soon they ran out of buisness because all of the Dwarfs knew how to make it they passed it along to the humans and the trolls and all other clangs. The king Ipera was a ruthless man and wanted and all of the items to make the gunpowder and when he got what he wanted he made a law u could not make or sell your own gunpowder if you made were to make it for yourself he would order his men to take it off you and to send fear into the people hearts he would take a tiny bit put it in a kind of tube and lite it. The body would be scatered all over the place. You would think that would stop people making it and selling it off. Well it did not peolpe still did it. Some families usedtheir children as messengers to bring it to people that wanted it. Soon the king found out and was about to kill a boy in front of everyone in the town. It was not going to be the way they killed the adults they were going to whip him to death. When the whip was pulled out a man in black cloaks galloped in on a horse. He then jumped to the boy and whisperd run the boy ran as fast as he could. The man said "how nice of you to give the boy a whip" the men looked at him confused he then grabbed the whip threw it over to the boy and said hit them as hard as you can.