| - Armsmaster, and second in command of Sarn Castle, “Grandfather” Voromir Holdblade was Sarn Castle’s most experienced and skilled soldier and oldest resident. Approaching retirement, this veteran of the “frontier wars” had performed his duty along the Arthadan borders, surviving combat with Angmareans, Rhudaurans and Cardolandrim. A role model for the younger and less experienced knights of Siragale, Voromir had distinguished himself with his leadership and keen grasp of both strategy and tactics. Both older and wiser than most, it was widely rumored that his Elven sword still thirsted for the blood of Orcs and Trolls, and would not allow him to willingly give up the fight against them until his death. Though still physically strong and healthy, he was beginning to realize that for many pe
| - Armsmaster, and second in command of Sarn Castle, “Grandfather” Voromir Holdblade was Sarn Castle’s most experienced and skilled soldier and oldest resident. Approaching retirement, this veteran of the “frontier wars” had performed his duty along the Arthadan borders, surviving combat with Angmareans, Rhudaurans and Cardolandrim. A role model for the younger and less experienced knights of Siragale, Voromir had distinguished himself with his leadership and keen grasp of both strategy and tactics. Both older and wiser than most, it was widely rumored that his Elven sword still thirsted for the blood of Orcs and Trolls, and would not allow him to willingly give up the fight against them until his death. Though still physically strong and healthy, he was beginning to realize that for many people, including himself, it was a matter of debate whether their hair or their hearing would be the first to go. His deafness, respectfully ignored by the other Requain of Sarn Castle, was a matter of concern which was not discussed in his presence. While Voromir was not pleased by the influx of Hobbits to Siragale and Sarn Ford, and the resulting displacement of Dúnedain from the lands he had personally fought for over many years, he did not allow his personal history to influence his treatment of the new residents of Arthedain. Indeed, his sense of justice was keenly demonstrated whenever called upon to resolve disagreements between Hobbits and “Big People”. Unofficially advised in the nuances of Arthadan law by Sarn Castle’s most distinguished legal scholar, his wife Celeserwen, Voromir was widely recognized for his open-mindedness and ability to empathize with both sides in an argument before coming to an arrangement both sides could, at least, grudgingly accept. Their well lettered grandchildren often performed scribe duties for the less-than-literate knights and militia-men of the fortress.