Star Wars: Conflicts is an American Live-Action television series based on Lucasfilm universe originally created by George Lucas. Developed by J. J. Abrams and George Lucas in collaboration with noted screenwriter Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) and . The series serves in The Republic, the Rise of The Empire and the Rebellion Era. It follows the adventure of rebel Dak Tarui and others, during the Empire era, with Republic flashbacks and political intigues. The series sticks close to the films, comics, video games and more, as adding hundreds of new characters and events.
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| - Star Wars: Conflicts is an American Live-Action television series based on Lucasfilm universe originally created by George Lucas. Developed by J. J. Abrams and George Lucas in collaboration with noted screenwriter Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) and . The series serves in The Republic, the Rise of The Empire and the Rebellion Era. It follows the adventure of rebel Dak Tarui and others, during the Empire era, with Republic flashbacks and political intigues. The series sticks close to the films, comics, video games and more, as adding hundreds of new characters and events.
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| - Star Wars: Conflicts is an American Live-Action television series based on Lucasfilm universe originally created by George Lucas. Developed by J. J. Abrams and George Lucas in collaboration with noted screenwriter Vince Gilligan (Breaking Bad) and . The series serves in The Republic, the Rise of The Empire and the Rebellion Era. It follows the adventure of rebel Dak Tarui and others, during the Empire era, with Republic flashbacks and political intigues. The series sticks close to the films, comics, video games and more, as adding hundreds of new characters and events.