Fisher is a male Tau'ri and a Senator in the United States Senate and chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee that decides over which resources should be transferred to which programs. He was very reluctant in continuing to give the Stargate program its full funding and had the budget reduced to 30% of its original income. He believed that the funding should go towards the Atlantis expedition and the pursuit of Ancient technology in the Pegasus Galaxy. He was resistant to the idea that the Ori and the Prior encountered were a threat to be taken seriously.
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| - Fisher (Senator)
- Fisher (senator)
| - Fisher är en manlig Tau'ri och Senator i USA:s senat och ordförande i Senaten Anslag Kommittén som bestämmer över vilka resurser bör överföras till vilka program. Han var mycket ovilliga att fortsätta att ge Stargate programmet full finansiering och hade budgeten sänkas till 30% av sin ursprungliga inkomster. Han trodde att stödet bör gå mot Atlantis Expeditionen och jakten på De gamla teknologi i Pegasus galaxen. Han var resistent mot tanken att Ori och Prior stötte på var ett hot tas på allvar.
- Fisher is a male Tau'ri and a Senator in the United States Senate and chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee that decides over which resources should be transferred to which programs. He was very reluctant in continuing to give the Stargate program its full funding and had the budget reduced to 30% of its original income. He believed that the funding should go towards the Atlantis expedition and the pursuit of Ancient technology in the Pegasus Galaxy. He was resistant to the idea that the Ori and the Prior encountered were a threat to be taken seriously.
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Home Planet
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| - Fisher is a male Tau'ri and a Senator in the United States Senate and chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee that decides over which resources should be transferred to which programs. He was very reluctant in continuing to give the Stargate program its full funding and had the budget reduced to 30% of its original income. He believed that the funding should go towards the Atlantis expedition and the pursuit of Ancient technology in the Pegasus Galaxy. He was resistant to the idea that the Ori and the Prior encountered were a threat to be taken seriously. Fisher accused Stargate Command and Major General Henry Landry of manufacturing a whole new enemy in the wake of the Goa'uld's defeat as a means to deceive him and continue receiving their full funding. When he remarked that Earth was fully capable of defeating any threat against them, Vala Mal Doran openly mocked the senator about what she perceived were his short comings while he was in the room. Eventually, a compromise was made to allow the SGC more funding, but under the authority of the International Oversight Advisory. (SG1: "The Ties That Bind")
- Fisher är en manlig Tau'ri och Senator i USA:s senat och ordförande i Senaten Anslag Kommittén som bestämmer över vilka resurser bör överföras till vilka program. Han var mycket ovilliga att fortsätta att ge Stargate programmet full finansiering och hade budgeten sänkas till 30% av sin ursprungliga inkomster. Han trodde att stödet bör gå mot Atlantis Expeditionen och jakten på De gamla teknologi i Pegasus galaxen. Han var resistent mot tanken att Ori och Prior stötte på var ett hot tas på allvar. Fisher anklagade Stargate Command och Generalmajor Henry Landry för att tillverka en helt ny fiende i spåren av Goa'ulds nederlag som ett sätt att lura honom och fortsätta få sin fulla finansiering. När han påpekade att Jorden var fullt kapabel att besegra något hot mot dem, Vala Mal Doran öppet hånat senatorn om vad hon uppfattade var hans tillkortakommanden medan han var i rummet. Så småningom blev en kompromiss som möjliggör för SGC mer pengar, men under ledning av Internationella Tillsyns Rådet. (SG1: "The Ties That Bind") kategori:Amerikaner kategori:En-gång SG-1 karaktär kategori:Senatorer
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