Ephemeris, also known as the Creature Collector, was a vast interstellar machine in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. It was The Loki Master's base of operations. It was originally a Servitor drone that was repurposed by Dr. Croid, but later modified by the Loki Master and Nevo Binklemeyer. Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Nefarious were kidnapped by Ephemeris and transported to planet Magnus along with the Light-Eating Z'Grute. Ephemeris used a Versatron energy dock to charge it's power and emitted a High-frequency sonar ping in order to prevent ships from flying into it.
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- Ephemeris
- Ephemeris
- Ephemeris
| - thumb|Die EphemerisDie Ephemeris, oder auch der Kreaturen Collektor, war eine riesige Maschiene, die Kreaturen aus allen Ecken des Universums einfing. Erbaut von Dr. Frumpus Croid diente es Mr. Dinkles später als Operationsbasis. Modifiziert von Dr. Nevo Binklemeyer fing die Ephemeris auf Igliak neben dem Z'Gruten ausversehen auch Ratchet, Clank, Dr. Nefarious und Copernicus Leslie Qwark ein.
- Ephemeris, also known as the Creature Collector, was a vast interstellar machine in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. It was The Loki Master's base of operations. It was originally a Servitor drone that was repurposed by Dr. Croid, but later modified by the Loki Master and Nevo Binklemeyer. Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Nefarious were kidnapped by Ephemeris and transported to planet Magnus along with the Light-Eating Z'Grute. Ephemeris used a Versatron energy dock to charge it's power and emitted a High-frequency sonar ping in order to prevent ships from flying into it.
- EPHEMERIS droids was a series of multi-tasking droids used by the used by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. Combining the mathematical features of First-degree droids, administrative functions of Third-degree droids and combat capabilities of Fourth-degree droids, EPHEMERIS droids were used to run the Star Fortresses, a series of battlestation placed in orbit of multiple galactic worlds following the Eternal Empire conquest.
- thumbEphemeris on Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One pelistä oleva tuhorobotti, jolla Loki-mestari halusi palauttaa Toranux-planeetan. Pelissä Ephemerisiä vastaan ei taistella. Ephemeris näkyy jo Igliak-planeetalla, kun se sieppaa Ratchetin, Clankin, Kapteeni Qwarkin ja Tohtori Nefariousin ja vei heidät ja Z'Gruten Aldarosin tasangolle Magnus-planeetalle. Ephemerisissä taistelivat Loki-mestaria vastaan ensin Herra dinklesin kehossa käyttävää ja sitten Rykan V:n Rymytursaan kehossa. Ephemeris terrorisoi tharpodien kylää aldarosin tasangolla ja uzo cityä. Ephemerisin latausasema sijaitsee vilegorin tasangolla, jossa Komentaja Spog auttaa Ratchetin, Clankin, tohtori Nefariouksen ja kapteeni Qwarkin Ephemerisin sisään. Sisällä Loki-mestari käyttää vapautinta jotta voi hallita rymytursaan kehoa. Pelin
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| - Hybrid, combining features of First-degree droids, Third-degree droids and Fourth-degree droids
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| - thumb|Die EphemerisDie Ephemeris, oder auch der Kreaturen Collektor, war eine riesige Maschiene, die Kreaturen aus allen Ecken des Universums einfing. Erbaut von Dr. Frumpus Croid diente es Mr. Dinkles später als Operationsbasis. Modifiziert von Dr. Nevo Binklemeyer fing die Ephemeris auf Igliak neben dem Z'Gruten ausversehen auch Ratchet, Clank, Dr. Nefarious und Copernicus Leslie Qwark ein.
- Ephemeris, also known as the Creature Collector, was a vast interstellar machine in Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One. It was The Loki Master's base of operations. It was originally a Servitor drone that was repurposed by Dr. Croid, but later modified by the Loki Master and Nevo Binklemeyer. Ratchet, Clank, Qwark and Nefarious were kidnapped by Ephemeris and transported to planet Magnus along with the Light-Eating Z'Grute. Ephemeris used a Versatron energy dock to charge it's power and emitted a High-frequency sonar ping in order to prevent ships from flying into it.
- EPHEMERIS droids was a series of multi-tasking droids used by the used by the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. Combining the mathematical features of First-degree droids, administrative functions of Third-degree droids and combat capabilities of Fourth-degree droids, EPHEMERIS droids were used to run the Star Fortresses, a series of battlestation placed in orbit of multiple galactic worlds following the Eternal Empire conquest.
- thumbEphemeris on Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One pelistä oleva tuhorobotti, jolla Loki-mestari halusi palauttaa Toranux-planeetan. Pelissä Ephemerisiä vastaan ei taistella. Ephemeris näkyy jo Igliak-planeetalla, kun se sieppaa Ratchetin, Clankin, Kapteeni Qwarkin ja Tohtori Nefariousin ja vei heidät ja Z'Gruten Aldarosin tasangolle Magnus-planeetalle. Ephemerisissä taistelivat Loki-mestaria vastaan ensin Herra dinklesin kehossa käyttävää ja sitten Rykan V:n Rymytursaan kehossa. Ephemeris terrorisoi tharpodien kylää aldarosin tasangolla ja uzo cityä. Ephemerisin latausasema sijaitsee vilegorin tasangolla, jossa Komentaja Spog auttaa Ratchetin, Clankin, tohtori Nefariouksen ja kapteeni Qwarkin Ephemerisin sisään. Sisällä Loki-mestari käyttää vapautinta jotta voi hallita rymytursaan kehoa. Pelin loppuvideossa sankarit lentävät Ephemerisillä Polarisiin. Nevo rakensi Ephemerisin Loki-mestarille joka tahtoi palauttaa Toranux planeetan, joka oli myös eräässä Cragmiitti-sadussa jossa Bagogg niminen gragmiittisoturi taisteli Toranux-henkiä vastaan Toranuxilla.
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