| - The ultimate list is a listing of the highest skilled and experienced pirates in the ocean. Separate lists are maintained for each puzzle, and displayed for both puzzle standing and experience. Each ocean has an ocean wide ultimate list for each puzzle, and each archipelago has one as well. These lists are viewable by clicking on the icon of a puzzle on any pirate's info page. Generally, the standing list ranks all pirates with a puzzle standing of ultimate, provided they are of broad experience and have played a ranked game of the puzzle within the past 10 days. In the event that there are ten or fewer ultimates on an ocean/archipelago, the left hand column will show the top ten ranked pirates who meet both the experience and activity criteria. Should there be less than 10 pirates on an ocean who meet the experience and activity criteria, then the list will limit the list to the number of pirates who meet the listing criteria. In the event that nobody meets the listing criteria, the list will instead display a message "No one has yet achieved Ultimate standing." The experience list displays a list of most experienced pirates who have a skill level of master or higher. The number of pirates who are displayed on the experience list is the same as the same number of pirates as appear on the standing list. For example, if there are 15 pirates displayed on the standing list, the the experience list will display the 15 most experienced pirates in that particular puzzle (Including not listing anybody if nobody meets the criteria for listing on the standing list). The only exception to this is if there is less pirates who meet the master skill requirement than appear on the standing list, in which case the experience list will be limited to only those pirates who meet the listing criteria. The ultimate lists are updated daily, at around 3:00AM Pirate Time. ( click on a puzzle icon to view the corresponding ultimate list )