| - Graizon Thala'mar was born in Silvermoon, among the zero-income poverty stricken people that the city seems to have forgotten. Like most people living under these conditions, he never really knew his parents or family. It seems that in such a bleak environment, no one really has the means to support their young. Graizon survived childhood like most in such a situation do: by clinging to any nearby adult who would receive him. After period of drifting around in this fashion, Graizon reached the age where he could fend for himself. He learned to steal and fist fight so that he could acquire the food or money that he needed to survive. It was at this point in Graizon's life that he met another child by the name of Avist Sunwalker. Avist was from the same world as Graizon and the two of them quickly became friends. Helping each other survive on the streets, they worked together to steal their daily essentials. The two would often leave the imprisoning walls of Silvermoon City to sit in the gardens and talk about all the exotic locales they some day hoped to visit. As they moved on through their childhood, they began to take on more dangerous robberies. While attempting to escape from a botched attempt to steal silverware from a noble's estate, Graizon suffered an arrow to the chest. The noble and his personal guards approaching quickly, Avist became frightened and fled, abandoning Graizon. Graizon did not die that day, but the events of it are still in his mind. To this day, Graizon has vowed that someday he will find Avist. However, he doesn't really know what he'd do if he found him. Lacking money, nourishment, and a general purpose for living, Graizon found out that the only way he could keep himself busy was to put his body through rigorous strength training and get into fights. He quickly developed a need to be beat up, and while he would find it rather hard to explain, he is still to this day affected by this feeling of contentment when his body sustains extreme physical injury. Like any normal person, Graizon wanted to feel content, so he indulged in this need to get beat up. He spent his days exercising in Eversong, but at night he headed for the bars in search of people bigger than him. He spent many years of his life like this, and when he managed to provoke such fights he would generally let his opponent win. Graizon's past has made him resentful of Silvermoon, as well as the noble class as a whole. He often tends to blame the nobles for his lot in life, though he's rarely quick to openly talk about his history. This attitude caused his next path in life to be an unexpected one. One day he was sitting out on the steps outside the Wayfarer's Rest, waiting for the bar crowd to show up for the night. He noticed a certain Blood Knight sitting on her steed, very focused. Another Blood Knight approached her and the two had a very professional conversation. Something about this struck Graizon, and he felt a confusing need for the military structure that he had just witnessed. He spent the next couple of weeks talking to people around Silvermoon, and learned that the Seventh regiment was the unit of the group of Knights he had witnessed. His lucky break came when he assisted in chasing down a Night Elf in Eversong, which led him to an encounter with Knight-Lord Renaird Erona. In this way he was able to become an official Blood Knight, having never really taken the required written exams. While that was not intentional, it worked out well for him. As with anyone who never received any schooling, Graizon cannot read or write. Until recently, this was one of his well-kept secrets.