| - Before combat:
- Combat start: The Thorns shall ruin you all!
- Greetings.
- I can tell you about that if you're curious.
- I've been expecting you...
- But anyway, Percy wants me to talk about mutants does he? Well, I'll see what I can do.
- I hope you understand more about where we come from and how it's all connected.
The more I learn about us as heroes, the more questions I have. There are so many avenues to explore and so few signs to point the way, but in time, I'm sure we will find our true course.
- Heh, I love saying that. It really freaks people out when they come and talk to me.
- Honestly, I didn't even know you were going to be here. I was in the middle of another conversation with half a dozen people from around the world regarding some recent power proliferations.
- So, Percy sent you over here to learn about the origin of magic. Well, get comfy.
- , I hope you've been keeping yourself busy. This city isn't going to clean itself.
- I'm more than happy to take some time out of my day to talk to you about my technology background.
- Why did Percy send you here? He wants you to learn about where I got my powers from? I don't have any powers. It makes trying to do the right thing in a world of powers all the more difficult, but all the more necessary.
- Oh, so Percy sent you over here to talk about my past... Well, that's a little personal don't you think?
- Percy Winkley is not one to take no for an answer. You found him standing outside the University in Croatoa and he convinced you to go and speak with members of each of the different origins. He spoke of how powers bind all of us together across Paragon and the Rogue Isles. He even claimed that it was our connection to the past. He was like an excited child explaining how they discovered something wonderful.
The first person you spoke to was War Witch. She explained the history of magic, where it came from and how it has changed. What this means for you here and now, you're unsure. Perhaps speaking with the other people Percy wishes you to talk to might clear this up.
- You've come a long way from your first visit to Paragon City, . I'm glad to call you an ally.