| - This guide is intended to deliver the best methods for training Crafting from level 1 to 99, taking into consideration both cost and speed. This guide is intended for members, though some methods are also available for free-to-play players.
- The table below will help you train Crafting in various ways, from level 1 to 99. Please note that there are many different ways to train your Crafting, and the following table is a developing guide and may need more additions or corrections. As always, prices of materials and the end product will fluctuate. These price values are just a guide. At level 40, If you are making hardleather bodies or coifs and collecting the cowhides yourself, a good place to train Crafting until 46 is the Crafting Guild, be sure to bring a brown apron. There are cows and a tanner right next to them inside the guild. Kill the cows, tan the hides, craft coifs, drop them and repeat. You can buy threads from Rimmington or the Grand Exchange. Additionally, you can craft hardleather bodies which yield quicker experience per hour than coifs. Coifs can be made from level 38. However it takes longer to craft per inventory than hardleather bodies, therefore it is quicker experience per hour to stick with hardleather bodies.