Evocation restores a fixed amount of mana based on the mage's total mana pool, including all current buffs and gear which increase this total. Mana is restored at a rate of 15% of the mage's total mana every two seconds, for a total of three ticks over six seconds, or 45% mana in total.
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| - Evocation restores a fixed amount of mana based on the mage's total mana pool, including all current buffs and gear which increase this total. Mana is restored at a rate of 15% of the mage's total mana every two seconds, for a total of three ticks over six seconds, or 45% mana in total.
- Evocation is a spell used by the Shianti.
- Evocation is a school of arcane magic, revolving around manipulating energy and is the source of many damaging spells for the wizard class. Evocation spells include fireball and magic missile.
- The evocation school of magic included spells that manipulated energy or tapped an unseen source of power in order to produce a desired end. In effect, they created something out of nothing. Many of these spells produced spectacular effects, and evocation spells could deal large amounts of damage. Many iconic offensive spells such as magic missile, lightning bolt and fireball were of the evocation school. The evocation school had no subschools. A wizard who specialized in evocation was known as an evoker. See also:
- Evocation spells manipulate energy or tap an unseen source of power to produce a desired end. In effect, they create something out of nothing. Many of these spells produce spectacular effects, and evocation spells can deal large amounts of damage. For a list of all spells which are of the school of Evocation, see: .
- Spells from the evocation spell school manipulate energy or create something from nothing. Many of the best offensive spells can be found within this school of magic. Prohibited school: conjuration Prohibited to: no one Specializing in this school brings the notable (in multiplayer) consequence of being unable to use raise dead and resurrection scrolls.
- Evocation is a flashy form of magic that has fires, explosions, etc. First mentioned in Storm Front.
- Alice is ability to summon spirits in her mind that can she communicate with. These spirits can act like different personas in order to give her advice, knowledge and skills. She can talk with them and only she can see them. Generally she summons the spirits of ancestors and uses their advice to guide her.
- Evocation, featuring KAITO, is Shinjou-P's first original work. It is a rock song, released as a short version; and the full version was never released. The "4"s in the lyrics are equal to the letter "r".
- Evocation is one of the eight schools of magic practiced on Golarion today. Wizards who become specialists in this form of magic are known as evokers. Evocation deals with the creation and manipulation of raw, magical energy, often for a destructive end.
- Evocation is the discipline of magic involving magical entanglement or magic affecting magic or material at a long distance without contact or any other medium. Connection and teleportation magic are the main kinds expressed in this discipline. Examples:
* Scrying
* Apparition
* Hex
* Jinx
* Blessing
* Curse
* Sympathic Magic
* Contagion
* Draining
* Bearer's Bond
* Clairsentience
* Awakening Ward
* Threads of Fate
* Summon
- Have a picture of this skill? Then please upload it! For more information please consult our image policies Class Race Skill Tree Type Cast Time Channel Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost Level Unlocked Morph One Morph Two Morphed From Evocation is a passive skill in the Light Armor skill line in The Elder Scrolls Online.
- Evocation spells manipulate energy or tap an unseen source of power to produce a desired end. In effect, they create something out of nothing. Many of these spells produce spectacular effects, and evocation spells can deal large amounts of damage.
- Evocation is a Wizard passive ability, unlocked at character level 13. The 20% reduction is added to the respective statistic, and is subject to diminishing returns. Wizard Skills Primary Skills Magic Missile • Shock Pulse • Spectral Blade • Electrocute Secondary Skills Ray of Frost • Arcane Orb • Arcane Torrent • Disintegrate Defensive Skills Frost Nova • Diamond Skin • Slow Time • Teleport Force Wave of Force • Energy Twister • Hydra • Meteor • Blizzard Conjuration Ice Armor • Storm Armor • Magic Weapon • Familiar • Energy Armor Mastery Explosive Blast • Mirror Image • Archon • Black Hole Passive Skills Power Hungry • Blur • Evocation • Glass Cannon • Prodigy • Astral Presence Illusionist • Cold Blooded • Conflagration • Paralysis • Galvanizing Ward • Temporal Flux Dominance • Arca
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buff desc
| - Gain 15% of total mana every 2 sec.
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ability to
| - summon spirits in one's mind
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