| - Status: The USS Orinoco (NCC-72905) was a Danube-class runabout in service to Starfleet in the late 24th century. (ST reference: Encyclopedia) In 2370, the Orinoco was assigned to Deep Space 9 as a replacement for the USS Yangtzee Kiang, which had been lost the previous year. In one of it's first missions, the Orinoco was used to evacuate all non-Bajoran personnel from the station. (DS9 episode: "The Siege") A few months later, the Orinoco was used by Lieutenant Jadzia Dax and Ensign Melora Pazlar to perform a scientific mission in the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9 episode: "Melora") Later that same year, the Orinoco was used to blockade the Cardassian planet Bryma and prevent the Maquis attacking the colony. (DS9 episode: "The Maquis, Part II") At the end of the year, the Orinoco accompanied the USS Odyssey into the Gamma Quadrant in an attempt to rescue Commander Benjamin Sisko from the Dominion. (DS9 episode: "The Jem'Hadar") In 2371, the Orinoco assisted the Akorem Laan in searching the Demilitarized Zone for the Maquis ship which had stolen the Orb of Contemplation, during which it was damaged by a mine. (DS9 short story: "The Orb of Opportunity") The Orinoco was eventually destroyed in 2372 after the Cardassian terrorist group known as the True Way managed to smuggle an explosive device aboard. (DS9 episode: "Our Man Bashir") The comic story Field Trip, which occurs in 2369 or 2370 shows a runabout named Orinoco but with a registry number of NCC-72455 and in the DS9 comic: "Hearts and Minds" the vessel had a registry of NCC-72458. While this is a contradiction to the number established in episodes, it could be that the Orinoco's registry changed at some point.