- (with Haggle 0)
* Buy: 2F
* Sell: 1F
- "Charcoal that could be useful for a lot of things. There's a rumor that it's from a house that burned down, perhaps you should get it exorcised and purified first."
- The Charcoal (木炭 Mokutan) is a temporarily held item necessary to create a bomb in the Bushlands.
- A piece of Charcoal is an equippable artifact that appears in Silent Hill: Book of Memories. The artifact can be purchased from Howard's Shop with a price tag of 235 MR. Below are the stats which are affected when equipping this artifact:
- At level 48 if you have the Blacksmith mill, this recipe will unlock.
- Charcoal was a highly porous form of amorphous carbon created by the destructive distillation of wood. When Spock observed Kirk's collection of raw materials as he evaded the Gorn captain in 2267, he noted Kirk's attempt to create a makeshift cannon. Putting the evidence together, he surmised that if Kirk were to locate a charcoal deposit or ordinary coal, he could complete and successfully utilize the weapon he was apparently fashioning. (TOS: "Arena" )
- Charles Burlingame is a member of the Avengers.
- Charcoal, eli puuhiili on tavara, jota käytetään papyrukseen kirjoittamiseen useassa tehtävässä. Puuhiiltä myydään Karamjan viidakkokaupassa ja seikkailukaupoissa. Lisäksi sitä syntyy Digsiten näytetarjottimelle ja Wildernessiin korkealle tasolle itään. Vaikka puuhiili ei ole vain P2P-pelaajille, ei sillä voi tehdä mitään F2p-RuneScapessa. Puuhiltä voi myös ostaa G.E stä. Luokka:Tavarat
- Charcoal is a Magnus in Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean.
- Charcoal is an item introduced in Generation II that boosts the power of Fire-type moves of the Pokémon who is holding the Charcoal by 20%. They can be bought for 9800 Pokédollars and can be sold for 4900 Pokédollars.
- The fundamental problem, however, is that the traditional charcoal production causes logging of naturally grown trees. The traditional charcoal business is mainly depending on the "free" provision of the trees and the refusal of the provision for environmental and climate damage. Would these costs be added to the price of the charcoal, it would be the end of this billion-dollar market. It should be noted that this market is financed by poor households. From price increases due to the shrinking forest resources, poor households are particularly vulnerable when they depend on charcoal.
- Charcoal is a light, black residue, consisting of carbon and any remaining ash, obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. Charcoal is usually produced by slow pyrolysis, the heating of wood or other substances in the absence of oxygen (see char and biochar). It is usually an impure form of carbon as it contains ash; however, sugar charcoal is among the purest forms of carbon readily available, particularly if it is not made by heating but by a dehydration reaction with sulfuric acid to minimise the introduction of new impurities, as impurities can be removed from the sugar in advance. The resulting soft, brittle, lightweight, black, porous material resembles coal.
- Charcoal, a counterpart of coal, is an efficient method of fuel for smelting. It is made by smelting Wood in a furnace. As well as sharing a similar appearance, charcoal acts exactly like coal, and likewise can also be used to make torches and power minecarts. Charcoal and coal cannot stack with each other and can't be changed with a texture pack. Charcoal is a potent resource to use in an area where coal is sparse.
- Charcoal is or can be used in the following quests:
* Darkness of Hallowvale
* Desert Treasure
* The Digsite
* Fairy Tale I - Growing Pains
* Legends Quest
* Recipe for Disaster (Goblin Generals)
* Shilo Village (quest)
* Zogre Flesh Eaters
- Charcoal is an alternative to Coal and is obtained by smelting Wood in a Furnace. Like Coal, it can be used to craft Torches, but it cannot be used in the making of Blocks of Coal due to obvious problems with decrafting.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 464646
- Charcoal is a light black residue consisting of carbon, and any remaining ash, obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and vegetation substances. Charcoal is usually produced by slow pyrolysis, the heating of wood or other substances in the absence of oxygen. It along with Potassium nitrate and sulfur are the main ingredients in gunpowder. (SG1: "Small Victories")
- Charcoal is a miscellaneous item in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
- Charcoal is an Item which acts as an alternative to Coal.
- Using the retort or indirect method, you place wood in a container and essentially cook it. The gasses are driven off and only charcoal remains. You will require a large kiln with a chimney and a way to feed wood into the bottom, as well as a steady stand to place the inside container on. The inside container must be fire-resistant (can use anything from a thick clay pot with a lid or a steel drum) but there must be holes in this container to let volatile gasses escape. Inside this container you will put the chunks of wood you wish to turn into charcoal.
- Charcoal Charcoal wordt gebruikt in een aantal quests. Meestal wordt het in de quests gebruikt voor schrijven of tekenen op papyrus. Charcoal kan op de volgende plaatsen gevonden worden:
* Charcoal bomen. Sommige dode bomen diep in het oosten van de wilderness geven charcoal in plaats van logs.
* Sommige winkels, zoals:
* Shilo village (45 coins)
* Tai Bwo Wannai
* Gunslik's Assorted items in Keldagrim (45 coins)
* Met een Specimen jar in je rugzak zoeken door een Specimen Tray in de Digsite
* Laura’s huis doorzoeken in Past A in de Meeting History quest, hoewel dit niet kan meegenomen worden.
* In het White Knight’s Castle op de benedenverdieping, in de kamer in het oosten waar er ook een gevangeniscel staat. (Met de drop truuk kan je meer dan een meedo
- Charcoal can be bought from the following stores: This list was created dynamically. For help, see the FAQ. To force an update of this list, click here. Besides obtaining charcoal from stores its also possible to obtain charcoal from the following places. During the 2012 Christmas event, charcoal could be obtained from trading the Gift of Giving with other players. Charcoal could also be obtained from the Winter Weekends.
- Charcoal can be bought from the following stores:
* Jiminua's Jungle Store in Tai Bwo Wannai
* Obli's General Store in Shilo Village
* Gunslik's Assorted Items in Keldagrim Besides obtaining charcoal from stores its also possible to obtain charcoal from the following places. During the 2012 Christmas event, Charcoal could be obtained from trading the Gift of Giving with other players. Charcoal could also be obtained from the Winter Weekends.
- Charcoal is used in art for drawing, making rough sketches in painting and is one of the possible media for making a parsemage. It must usually be preserved by the application of a fixative. Artists generally utilize charcoal in three forms: