| - Dahau: ..well then. The killing of the Valkyrur is our top priority yes? Lydia: Maximillian does not seem to have noticed her existence yet. Make sure none of the Imperials take notice of that and handle it well please. Dahau: But again, for one of the Nameless to actually be a Valkyrur, you have to say this must be some kind of twist of fate. Lydia: I don't care about fate or whatever. Borgia wants only results. Dahau: I can expect some kind of compensation for my troubles with the Valkyrur yes? Lydia: It seems that that will be the bargaining chip at the Imperial meeting table to which your independant Darcsen state may be founded upon. Lydia: It simply means the death of the Valkyrur holds that much value. Zig: If the rumors are true about them, this is going to be a tough one. Dahau: If the path to an independent Darcsen country is hindered by it, the only way left for us is to remove it. Lydia: Looking for the Nameless is in itself a chore. Dahau: If you need to find them, I have secured just the right person for the job. Zig: Help? Who is it? Dahau: Lydia, I'll assign him to you. Gusurg: It's Gusurg, nice to meet you. Zig: Hm? This man, he's.. Dahau: The man who piloted the Nameless tank. He has found his calling and joined our cause. Lydia: He's a tank operator of that squad?! Can we trust someone like that? Dahau: You'll decide how best to use his abilities Lydia. Make preparations now. Lydia: Why you..! Lydia: You're probably a spy for Gallia aren't you. Why don't you kick the bucket or something? Gusurg: I'm glad I'm not shot on sight, at least. I'll have to thank you for that much. Lydia: Hmph, at least you know your place. Then, get gone and find me a Valkyrur to hunt. Gusurg: Hmm.. With these much forces only? Lydia: You may start bawling for me in gratitude if you wish? "Thank you for the tank and soldiers, my great Lydia." Gusurg: Of course, even with a force this small there may be things that can be done. Lydia: It's your old squad, those Nameless guys.. You're going to run over back to them aren't you? Gusurg: ..Wait for the good news, First Lieutenant Agthe. Lydia: You will address me as Lydia. Gusurg: Hm? Why is that? Lydia: No one exists by the name of Agthe. I am called Lydia. Gusurg: A person who rejects her own last name.. There are strange people around indeed. Gusurg: ..I understand, Lydia. Well then, I'll head for the south and prepare to find the Nameless. Lydia: I'm not expecting anything out of you. Bye. Kurt: We've been discovered by our enemies, we should leave. 3: The problem lies ahead of us now. What now, commander? 56: We're going to be wanted people from now onwards pursued by the army. Carisa: Even if we do get away, we need to acquire ammo, fuel and food or the squad won't hold. Carisa: You need money and connections or everything will fall apart. 45: We need to do something about logistics or else we will disband in the end. Kurt: That's a big problem.. Carisa: If we head over to Yuell city we'll be able to acquire better goods than the countryside. Amy: Say nothing of food, but ammo and fuel don't come by easily. Annika: Aren't there Gallian troops in Yuell city? Kurt: The main fighting is taking place in the north, so the southern regions are largely undefended. 45: Yuell city has been devastated by two battles so most of the infrastructure there is already left in rubble. There is no more military value in the area. 56: Will we even find anything usable in a place like that. Carisa: Goods will be around whereever people live. It's another matter entirely if they will hand it over though. Alfons: Scout reporting in! I have encountered a Gallian scouting party! Your orders! Kurt: Roger, return to the squad. Kurt: All men, prepare for battle! We're pulling out of here while fighting them off! Riela: Kurt, it's a battle? I'm coming too! Kurt: Riela, don't force yourself.. Riela: I'm fine now. I won't cause any trouble, let me come too! Kurt: ..okay. Imca: I will take care of her. Do not worry. Riela: Thank you, Imca! Kurt: We're on the defensive! Don't do anything rash, everyone!