Attributes | Values |
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| - Granger
- Granger
- Granger
- Granger
- Granger
| - Age: Sex: Diagnosed: Location: Diagnosis: Hospital Oncologist
- Granger – SUV występujący w Grand Theft Auto V. Granger jest produkowany przez Declasse i przypomina Chevrolet Suburban. Pojazd jest bardzo długi i ociężały. Posiada słabe przyśpieszenie, średnią prędkość maksymalną i hamulce. Źle wchodzi w zakręty. Najlepiej sprawdza się w terenie. Jest bardzo wytrzymały. Tak jak Roosevelt, FIB Granger i Roosevelt Vamor, może także pomieścić 2 osoby po boku auta.
- The Granger is the alien's building class. Grangers start out with 50-75 HP and have the ability to grow structures and to bite humans to defend themselves. There are 2 types of Granger: Granger and Adv. Granger.
- The Declasse Granger is a four-door full-size SUV featured in Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online.
- Granger may refer to:
* Dan Black-Granger, a former employee of Zone Supplies Limited and a galactic thief.
* Greg Black-Granger, a human formerly in the service of the Galactic Empire.
* Kyp Black-Granger, a deceased brother executed by the Galactic Empire.
- La Granger es un automóvil, estilo camioneta SUV, que aparece sólo en Grand Theft Auto V.
- Granger was a Gunnery Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps.
- The Reverend Granger was the name given to a clone engineered at Umbrella Prime.
- Sub-Commander Granger was an Officer Battlepod pilot and squadron leader in the Zentraedi Fleet. He once led his squadron into battle against the Robotech Defense Force, getting several kills before he was interrupted by Aura-Quell of the Air-Cavalry.
- Granger could refer to:
* Walter Granger, commander of the Earth ship SS Mariposa
* Wilson Granger, prime minister of the Mariposa colony, and a clone of Walter Granger
* Victor Granger, health minister of the Mariposa colony, and also a clone of Walter Granger
- Granger is a city in Yakima County, Washington, United States.
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| - Build Structure
- Stage1:Nothing/Stage2 and 3:Bite
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Rear quarter imagename
| - Granger-GTAV-RearQuarter.jpg
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observed gears
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handling drivetrain
| - 40(xsd:integer)
- 60(xsd:integer)
Underside view imagename
| - Granger-GTAV-Underside.jpg
handling top speed
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Damage view imagename
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Front quarter imagename
| - Granger-GTAV-FrontQuarter.jpg
Front view imagename
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| - Granger в Grand Theft Auto V
observed acceleration
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Rear view imagename
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Top view imagename
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Engine bay imagename
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front image
| - SheriffSUV-GTAV-front.png
- ParkRanger-GTAV-front.png
- Lifeguard-GTAV-front.png
- FIB2-GTAV-front.png
- Granger-GTAV-front.png
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Inside view imagename
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rear image
| - SheriffSUV-GTAV-front.png
- ParkRanger-GTAV-front.png
- Lifeguard-GTAV-rear.png
- FIB2-GTAV-rear.png
- Granger-GTAV-rear.png
article link
| - FIB
- Lifeguard
- Park Ranger
- Sheriff SUV
Badge texture imagename
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| - Четырёхдверный внедорожник
handling gears
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