Ancient rituals Description: Ancient rituals Although Jobe scientists have found little proof of the Xan having rituals, the Yuttos claim they did, and Dr. Darnell wanted you to get hold of an artifact for her that could possibly be linked to a ritual. She said that Dr. Hestyia can help you get the information you needed to find and identify the artifact. Find Dr. Hestyia---diese gibt euch eine find-item missi: Find artifact Give Xan Ritual Scepter to Dr. Hestyia Use Xan Ritual Scepter on the Moss Covered Altar Return Ritual Scepter to Dr. Hestyia Give Xan Ritual Scepter to Dr. Darnell
Ancient rituals Description: Ancient rituals Although Jobe scientists have found little proof of the Xan having rituals, the Yuttos claim they did, and Dr. Darnell wanted you to get hold of an artifact for her that could possibly be linked to a ritual. She said that Dr. Hestyia can help you get the information you needed to find and identify the artifact. Find Dr. Hestyia---diese gibt euch eine find-item missi: Find artifact Give Xan Ritual Scepter to Dr. Hestyia Use Xan Ritual Scepter on the Moss Covered Altar Return Ritual Scepter to Dr. Hestyia Give Xan Ritual Scepter to Dr. Darnell Reward: ein t1 embryo weiter gehts mit: Pet hunt