| - Sarutobi Uzakariya was a former Supreme Grand Jedi Master and Jedi Sage successor of the Ancient Jedi Order. He was over 900,000 years old, being the only known Tridactyl of his species in existence to successfully master all the known and unknown abilities and knowledge of the Light-Side Of The Force and Dark-Side Of The Force. Born on an unknown planet, Sarutobi was taken at birth by the mysterious Ancient Jedi Order and trained by a single master, where he began his 1,000 year training to master all the known and unknown abilities and knowledgeable ways of the Light-Side Of The Force and Dark-Side Of The Force. After the completion of his training, he traveled to many planets across the Galaxy, using his abilities and knowledge of the Force helping all those in need. He served in the Ancient Jedi Order for 400,000 years until the fall and destruction of the order by some unknown force or means, resulting in him being the last sole survivor and successor to the Order. Throughout the next 500,000 years of his life, Sarutobi taught 11 other Force-sensitive beings in the ways of the Ancient Order, and migrated from planet to planet, to evade those who sought his power and knowledge, namely the Sith. He finally lived out the remainder of his last days on Heragoth where he encountered and later trained: Jiraiya Uzukariya, his 12th and last apprentice before his death. A year after his death, Sarutobi returned back to Heragoth, where he continued to train Jiraiya for the next 2,997 years, before finally ascending to the Netherworld Of The Force for good. With his master's death, Jiraiya became the next successor to the Order, inheriting all of the order's knowledge and power.