Cartoon Network Family is an American network that launched in 2014. On September 8th, 2015, it was announced that the network will be replaced by Cartoon Network Freeform in March 2016; however, due to the announcement that Curiousgorge66 XD Networks, the owner of the channel, will be folded into Curiousgorge66 Networks, the relaunch was delayed to March 30th, 2016.
Cartoon Network Family is an American network that launched in 2014. On September 8th, 2015, it was announced that the network will be replaced by Cartoon Network Freeform in March 2016; however, due to the announcement that Curiousgorge66 XD Networks, the owner of the channel, will be folded into Curiousgorge66 Networks, the relaunch was delayed to March 30th, 2016.