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| - Bre'el IV
- Bre'el IV
- Bre'el IV
- Bre'el IV
| - Bre'el IV byla čtvrtá planeta soustavy Bre'el. V roce 2366, Bre'el IV prožil celoplanetární chaos, když měsíc planety začal vypadávat ze své oběžné dráhy. Planeta byla hustě obydlena humanoidním druhem, který by byl zničen, pokud by se měsíc srazil s planetou. USS Enterprise-D provedla několik neúspěšných pokusů o navrácení měsíce na jeho původní oběžnou dráhu. Katastrofa nakonec byla odvrácena entitou známou jako Q, který vrátil měsíc zpět na jeho původní místo. (TNG: "Deja Q")
- In 2366 ontstond er grootschalige paniek op de planeet, omdat de maan uit haar baan begon te vallen. De planeet was dichtbevolkt met humanoïde bewoners, die allemaal uitgeroeid zouden worden als de maan in contact zou komen met de planeet. De bemanning van de USS Enterprise-D deed verschillende pogingen om de maan terug in haar baan te krijgen, maar hun inspanningen bleken tevergeefs. Een ramp werd echter toch voorkomen door het ingrijpen van Q. Hij plaatste de maan terug in haar baan om Bre'el IV. (TNG: "Deja Q")
- You may be looking for:
* Bre'el IV
* Bre'el IV
- Bre'el IV was the inhabited fourth planet in its star system. This planet had an asteroidal moon and at least two continents. This was the homeworld for the Bre'el IV natives. In 2366, after a large celestial object passed at near right angles to the plane of the star system, the orbit of the moon was disrupted and began a downward trajectory into the planet. If the moon impacted the planet, the inhabitants would be subjected to a planet-wide catastrophe. The USS Enterprise-D made several attempts to return the moon to its proper orbit, but was unable to do so. Disaster was ultimately averted by the entity known as Q when he returned the moon to its proper placement. (TNG: "Deja Q" )
- Bre'el IV was a Federation Member State in the late 24th century. In 2366, its moon began to fall out of orbit, threatening the populace. The efforts of the USS Enterprise-D were inadequate to stave off the crisis, but disaster was averted by the whim of the extra-dimensional entity known as Q. (TNG episode: "Deja Q") In 2380, Bre'el's Federation Councillor was a male Bre'ella named Nitram, a political moderate. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)
- thumb|Bre'el IV Bre'el IV ist ein Planet. 2366 bittet die auf Bre'el IV ansässige Spezies die USS Enterprise um Hilfe. Der Mond droht auf den Planeten zu stürzen. Mit Qs Hilfe wird der Mond wieder auf seine Bahn gebracht. (TNG: )
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| - De USS Enterprise-D bij Bre'el IV met op de voorgrond de maan
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| - Bre'el IV byla čtvrtá planeta soustavy Bre'el. V roce 2366, Bre'el IV prožil celoplanetární chaos, když měsíc planety začal vypadávat ze své oběžné dráhy. Planeta byla hustě obydlena humanoidním druhem, který by byl zničen, pokud by se měsíc srazil s planetou. USS Enterprise-D provedla několik neúspěšných pokusů o navrácení měsíce na jeho původní oběžnou dráhu. Katastrofa nakonec byla odvrácena entitou známou jako Q, který vrátil měsíc zpět na jeho původní místo. (TNG: "Deja Q")
- Bre'el IV was the inhabited fourth planet in its star system. This planet had an asteroidal moon and at least two continents. This was the homeworld for the Bre'el IV natives. In 2366, after a large celestial object passed at near right angles to the plane of the star system, the orbit of the moon was disrupted and began a downward trajectory into the planet. If the moon impacted the planet, the inhabitants would be subjected to a planet-wide catastrophe. The USS Enterprise-D made several attempts to return the moon to its proper orbit, but was unable to do so. Disaster was ultimately averted by the entity known as Q when he returned the moon to its proper placement. (TNG: "Deja Q" ) "bree-el" was the pronunciation for this planet's name from the script pronunciation guide. [1] According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets I"; "United Federation of Planets III") and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), the Bre'el system was located in the Alpha Quadrant. The primary was a M-class star. In 2378, Bre'el IV was listed as a Federation member. The Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 1, p. 101) identified Bre'el IV as a Federation member planet.
- In 2366 ontstond er grootschalige paniek op de planeet, omdat de maan uit haar baan begon te vallen. De planeet was dichtbevolkt met humanoïde bewoners, die allemaal uitgeroeid zouden worden als de maan in contact zou komen met de planeet. De bemanning van de USS Enterprise-D deed verschillende pogingen om de maan terug in haar baan te krijgen, maar hun inspanningen bleken tevergeefs. Een ramp werd echter toch voorkomen door het ingrijpen van Q. Hij plaatste de maan terug in haar baan om Bre'el IV. (TNG: "Deja Q")
- You may be looking for:
* Bre'el IV
* Bre'el IV
- Bre'el IV was a Federation Member State in the late 24th century. In 2366, its moon began to fall out of orbit, threatening the populace. The efforts of the USS Enterprise-D were inadequate to stave off the crisis, but disaster was averted by the whim of the extra-dimensional entity known as Q. (TNG episode: "Deja Q") In 2380, Bre'el's Federation Councillor was a male Bre'ella named Nitram, a political moderate. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation) Following the Borg Invasion of 2381, Bre'el transports helped to alleviate the overcrowding at the iy'Dewra'ni refugee camp on Pacifica. (TNG novel: Losing the Peace)
- thumb|Bre'el IV Bre'el IV ist ein Planet. 2366 bittet die auf Bre'el IV ansässige Spezies die USS Enterprise um Hilfe. Der Mond droht auf den Planeten zu stürzen. Mit Qs Hilfe wird der Mond wieder auf seine Bahn gebracht. (TNG: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planetensystems mit der Bezeichnung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planetensystems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigennamen nach dem dazugehörigen Zentralgestirn zu benennen.
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