| - Rogue bosses are random encounters on the world map. They are seen as neither negative or positive encounters by the game, so Luck will not decrease their appearance. How often they appear is influenced solely by how much cargo you are carrying, as well as your fame. When you encounter one, you are given two options: "Try me." (fight), or "I surrender." If you choose to surrender, you must give up 20% of your gold, as well as all cargo you are currently carrying. They seem to have a relatively high chance of dropping potions of potential or corruption.
| - Rogue bosses are random encounters on the world map. They are seen as neither negative or positive encounters by the game, so Luck will not decrease their appearance. How often they appear is influenced solely by how much cargo you are carrying, as well as your fame. When you encounter one, you are given two options: "Try me." (fight), or "I surrender." If you choose to surrender, you must give up 20% of your gold, as well as all cargo you are currently carrying. If you choose to fight, you will find yourself in a large battle against the rogue boss and at least five minions: 0-5 rogue wizards, 0-5 rogue warriors, and 0-5 rogue archers.[confirm] The bosses' minions' levels are roughly around your fame/1000. Depending on your class, it is most likely better to go after the archers or wizards first, and save the boss for last, as the boss has much more HP and can continually Boost his speed and physical attributes. The archers tend to use firearms and have quite a bit of speed, while the wizards tend to fire off Fire Bolt (which can spark wildfires if something is burned in the area), Slow, and Teleport. The warriors have average speed and decent melee, and throw stones or grenades. Remember to drop your cargo if you are heavily burdened, to increase your speed to acceptable levels. Since you will likely have several types of cargo at once, and rogues can be very deadly, this is an instance where using * in the drop menu is not only convenient, but potentially lifesaving. If victorious, you are treated to the valuable card and figure of rogue boss (For Museum rank all bosses treated by the game as same unique NPC, so these can be used in multiple copies), as well as a few random cargoes in addition to normal loot. The cargoes dropped by the rogue boss will sell for regular prices; as of version 1.13, they are dropped identified. They seem to have a relatively high chance of dropping potions of potential or corruption. Alternatively, you may choose to fight, then escape from the encounter, to avoid losing cargo or paying gold. If you choose to run, it's a good idea to tell all allies to wait at the town, as they'll probably fight and die if you're not fast enough. Normally a rod/scroll of teleport gets you out pretty quick, and avoids having to dismiss your pets if you have them leashed. Alternatively, if you are below level 6, it may well be cheaper to simply fight them and die.