| - Ryan: “Ah, nice to be able to have time to relax.” Ryan: “Hi Quilladin.” Quilladin (Smiling): “Quill.” Ryan: “Just came in to grab a snack.” Jon (Over Phone): Hello? Who is this? It’s an unknown number. Ryan: “Jon, It’s me. Ryan.” Jon (Over Phone): Ryan. Pikachu, calm down! Hey, how’s it going? Ryan: “Fine. Sounds like you have your hands full though.” Jon (Over Phone): Pikachu is over excited.. So, what do you want to talk about? Ryan: “Nothing, I just wanted to see how you’re doing. Where are you now? Back home I assume?” Jon (Over Phone): Yeah, in Odale town in Hoenn. Seems like there are no ferries or planes to Alola at the moment, so I’ve been waiting. Had a few encounters with People trying to control Kyogre, Groudon and Rayquaza. But nothing serious. What are you doing now? Ryan: “I’m just relaxing back home in Vaniville Town. Wait, back up a second. WHAT!? What do you mean ‘control’? Like some sort of mind trick?” Jon (Over Phone): Kinda, it’s a bit complicated. But I fear someone else is trying or a few people. It’s a bit difficult when the region count on me to deal with everything as Steven, the champion, is away. Ryan: “You think it might be Team Flare? With the way they were talking about whatever that ‘Z’ thing was, it seems to me they’d do something like that.” Jon (Over Phone): Consider Z turned out to be Zygarde, I don’t think it would be Team Flare. But, a subgroup maybe? I’ve got another call coming in. See you around maybe? Ryan: “You can bet on it.” James: “Whoa, what’s up squirt?” Ryan: “A friend of mine just told me about something going on in the Hoenn region. There’s a group of people who might be controlling Pokemon against their will. I’m not about to sit back and let that happen.” James: “Whoa, Ryan, be rational about it. You can’t just go rushing off to Hoenn by yourself.” Ryan: “You’re right. Greninja! Delphox! Quilladin!” Ryan: “Jon told me about a case of Pokemon being controlled against their will. I want to help those Pokemon. You in with me?” Ryan: “I’ll be fine, Jon’s a great guy. I’ll be back as soon as I can. Though I might stay.” James: “This isn’t what I meant!” Ryan: “Well tough! There’s Pokemon in danger, and I’m going to see if I can help whether you like it or not!” Ryan: “I’m coming to Hoenn, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” Ryan (Panting): “Two...tickets….to….Hoenn…..please.” Ticket man: Certainly. The plane leaves in 20 minutes and will be arriving in Mauville City, the centre of Hoenn. Ryan: “Thank you.” Ryan: “Jon, I know you’re gonna think I’m an idiot, but I came to help you find out what’s going on with those Pokemon being controlled. And before you try, there’s nothing you can say to me to get me to go back to Kalos now.” Jon (Over Phone): Actually, you arriving helps. Where are you? Ryan: “In Mauville City. Quilladin and I only just got off the plane.” Jon (Over Phone): Wait! You’re where?! Hold on! Ryan: “Bit late for that.” Ryan: “Whoever you are, I can assure you we’re not going down without a fight.” Gang Leader: I didn't expect you to. Ryan: “Uh oh.” Quilladin: “Quill.” Ryan: “Right, like I said, we’re not going down without a fight. Vine Whip!” Ryan: “Oh come on.“ Gang Leader: Dragonbreath! Gang: Use Sludge Bomb! Ryan: “Huh!?” Jon: You guys have five seconds to get lost! Gang Leader: Oo, I’m scared. Just because Steven Stone has made you the protector of Hoenn, you haven’t been doing much protecting. My group and I have caused a lot of problems around here. Jon: I know! Ryan (Angry; to the Gang Leader): “You know what!? You can’t just say things like that. I’ve known Jon for a good while now, and while he may not have stopped you earlier, I know he has it in him to stop you today, or any other day. Not only do I know that, but I also know that he’s a better trainer, heck a better person, than you seven lowlifes will ever be!” Gang Leader: How dare you! Dragon Rush! Gang: Hyper Beam! Jon: Meganium, Leaf Barrage. Pikachu, Thunderbolt and Typhlosion, Focus Blast. Ryan: “Pin Missile!” Ryan (to the Gang Leader; continuing): “And I meant every word most sincerely. Now, if you don’t mind, you and your gang leave before Jon has to stop you himself!” Gang Leader: What can he do? Have a fiery dance? We can all go to his campfire. Jon: You know why every bad guy I’ve faced has stood down? Jon: But, I’m not the only one with this power. Ryan: “Are you sure about this Jon? Not saying these thugs don’t need to be stopped, but is this the right way to go about it?” Jon: He has a key stone, they all do. They all have Mega Pokemon. But they won’t use it. Also, they’ve caused a lot of families grief. You aren’t the first person they have stopped when getting off. They have stolen Pokemon. Ryan: “Right, now that’s a reason to do this. You ready Delphox?” Ryan-Delphox: “Del!” Ryan: “Then let’s unleash our ‘Secret Weapon’!” Jon: Shuriken Blaze, Solar Beam and Thunderbolt! Jon-Typhlosion uses Shuirken Blaze, grabbing the Shuriken and throwing it towards the five Weezing. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt and Meganium uses Solar Beam and the moves combine with Shuriken Blaze and the move hits the five Weezing. The five Weezing are still going, though a lot of damage has been taken. Ryan: “Everyone attack at once! Typhlosion, another Shurkin Blaze! Pikachu, another Thunderbolt! Meganium, another Solar Beam! Delphox, Hyper Beam! Quilladin, Pin Missile!” Ryan: “Now, let’s try this again.” Ryan (bitterly): “Return the Pokemon you and your gang stole to their rightful owners, and leave Hoenn for good. If you don’t, Jon and I will have to kick your butts again. And you don’t want that, do you?” Gang Leader: Here! Ryan: “Whoa, I can’t believe we actually pulled that off! We were awesome!” Jon: They had a point though. There is something happening in the Hoenn Region and I have no idea where to search or where to begin. Ryan: “Hey, you shouldn’t listen to them. What do they know? I’ve seen you in action, there’s no way you’ll fail this. Of course, I wouldn’t mind helping out if you’d like me to.” Jon: Yeah, why not. I may need to be in two places in the region at once. Shall we head back to mine and spend time there before we plan anything else? You can see our family ranch. Ryan: “Jon Spencer, it would be my honor.” Jon: Mum, Dad. This is Ryan from the Kalos Region. Zoey: Nice to meet you Ryan. Michael: It’s good to see you Ryan, after Jon talked a lot about you. Ryan: “Really? Huh, didn’t think I was worth talking about. But anyway, I’m sorry to say this isn’t just a visit. I’m actually here to help Jon with the case of those controlled Pokemon here in Hoenn.” Nate: Ah, that thing. Jon: Let’s set our Pokemon out in the ranch, where we have over 60 Pokemon, and then think of a plan. Jon: Good work today. Have some fun. Ryan: “You two go join them. You’ve certainly earned it.” Ryan (To Jon): “This isn’t gonna be easy, I know that much. But I also know that you and I make a pretty awesome team. So as long as we work together, we should be able to overcome anything.” Jon: Yeah. Let’s sleep and then make a plan tomorrow, earlier the better. Narrator: After hearing about the troubles in the Hoenn Region, Ryan and Quilladin headed towards the Hoenn Region. As soon as Ryan arrived in the Hoenn Region, he was attacked by the Gang Bikers, but with the help of Jon, they were able to defeat them. Now, at Jon’s house, Ryan and Jon need to make a plan for what is controlling the Pokemon and how to free them.