| - Eg'roeg Coris was the senior creche-judge of the Court of Yun-Coria. She was in charge of all projects on Korriban, but let the military matters stay with Hooley Krekk and Sub-Commander Eatmo Chick'en. She and the rest of the Court told Darth Mutatos and Sacul Vao, that if their alchemical creatures failed, then their lives were forfeit. After the some Jedi were captured on the planet, she wanted an immediate sacrifice, but Mutatos was able to talk her out of it, so as not to anger Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, whose girlfriend at the time, Jaina Solo, was one of the captured Jedi.
| - Eg'roeg Coris was the senior creche-judge of the Court of Yun-Coria. She was in charge of all projects on Korriban, but let the military matters stay with Hooley Krekk and Sub-Commander Eatmo Chick'en. She and the rest of the Court told Darth Mutatos and Sacul Vao, that if their alchemical creatures failed, then their lives were forfeit. After the some Jedi were captured on the planet, she wanted an immediate sacrifice, but Mutatos was able to talk her out of it, so as not to anger Nathaniel Kenobi Solo, whose girlfriend at the time, Jaina Solo, was one of the captured Jedi. She was amazed when Nathan gave himself up and actually asked to be put on trial. Sensing deception, but knowing that no weapons were allowed in the Court (Nathan had concealed his), she placed all available warriors outside the Court and let Mutatos take care of the captured Jedi. Which was all the motivation he needed. Nathan proceeded to make a laughingstock of the Court's loopholes, by talking and talking some more. No one could stop the defendant from speaking, not necessarily in their defense. Nathan's monologue was stopped by Mutatos and his new Sith "acolytes". Eg'roeg tried to gather the warriors under her flag, but was killed.