| - "Deus Ex Machina"
* John Locke and Boone Carlyle set out to find a Beechcraft Locke saw in a dream the night prior. Michael Dawson and Jin-Soo Kwon continue working on the raft. Jack Shephard offers to check James Sawyer Ford's headaches, but is refused. Locke's legs continue to weaken to the point that he can no longer walk and he and Boone find Goldie's body in a tree. Kate Austen forces Sawyer to see Jack.
* Locke tells Boone about his legs and paralysis before the crash, Boone tells Locke about Theresa, and they find the Beechcraft. Jack diagnoses Sawyer with hyperopia and Sayid Jarrah welds two halves of eyeglasses together for him. Boone climbs up to the plane, finds Yemi's body and the Virgin Mary statues, and speaks to Bernard Nadler via the plane's radio just before the plane falls out of the canopy and crashes to the ground. "The Other 48 Days"
* Ana Lucia Cortez believes Boone Carlyle is one of the Others when they hear him, and shuts off the radio. Eko Tunde ends his 40 days of silence to comfort Ana. "Jin Has a Temper-Tantrum on the Golf Course"
* Jin-Soo Kwon's failure to score a putt on the golf course causes him to break down about the lack of communication and his unfortunate luck on the Island in front of a baffled Hugo "Hurley" Reyes and Michael Dawson. (NOTE: This date is confirmed in Issue 18 of the Official Lost Magazine) "Jughead"
* The fifth time flash occurs and Charlotte Lewis collapses with a nosebleed. "Deus Ex Machina"
* Locke carries a seriously injured Boone back to the caves before leaving, to Jack's fury. "Do No Harm"
* Boone's lung collapses and Jack promises to save him. Jin works hard on the raft despite Michael telling him to take a break. Kate returns to the beach to get alcohol from Sawyer for Boone's injuries. Jack and Sun-Hwa Kwon set Boone's broken leg. Kate breaks some of the bottles when she trips before finding Claire Littleton going into labor. Jin, working on the raft, is the only person who hears her calls for help. Jack prepares for a blood transfusion to Boone, but is the only person with confirmed O- blood type. Sayid takes Shannon Rutherford on a date to a secluded beach. "Deus Ex Machina","Live Together, Die Alone"
* Desmond Hume contemplates suicide before discovering Penelope Widmore's letter inside his copy of Our Mutual Friend. He flies into a rage at his seemingly hopeless situation before hearing Locke - who is banging on the Hatch in anger at Boone's injury. Desmond shines a light up the shaft to investigate, and the light inspires Locke. Desmond realizes the outside world hasn't been destroyed by the system failure, and regains hope. "Do No Harm"
* With Jack occupied, Kate, Charlie Pace, and Jin stay with Claire as she prepares to give birth. Jack realizes he cannot save Boone's crushed leg and that Locke lied about the cause of Boone's injuries, so he prepares to amputate the leg with Michael's help. Immediately before the amputation Boone tells Jack to stop trying and let him go.
* Aaron Littleton is born.
* Boone Carlyle dies.