| - The super-heroes undertake perilous voyages on two
fronts. Restored to their normal forms, the twelve heroes
who journeyed into space find Dr. Fate incapable of
magically transporting them home, so the Green Lan-
terns form a sphere around the others and the fastest fliers
among the group power it toward Earth. Harbinger,
however, senses renewed peril to their homeworld, and
teleports herself from their midst. The rest of the heroes, aboard the Sunspore probe, are
en route to the Manhunters' final stronghold beneath the
Earth's surface. As they arrive at a juncture enclosed in a
force-field and locate a tunnel into the Manhunter base,
Harbinger suddenly appears among them. Meanwhile, the Chosen have undertaken physical
training to equal the mental preparations for their trans-
formation. The Guardian and the Zamaron are enthusias-
tic in praise of their progress, but Tegra Kalmaku bursts
into tears as she sees her husband turning into a stranger
before her eyes. Far underground, the remaining Manhunters, with both
their main temple on Earth and their home planet de-
stroyed, prepare to make their last stand. Booster Gold and
a phalanx of Manhunters guard a device intended to
destroy the Earth should they lose the final baffle, thus
ensuring the demise of the Chosen, even if the Manhunters
themselves must also perish. The heroes overhear their
plans, but then are ambushed by a second group of their
robotic foes. Wonder Woman faces the Pan Manhunter in solo com-
bat, but the android satyr, encircled by the magic lasso,
deliberately flees until the unbreakable rope tightens about
him and cuts him in two. Hash, Batman, Green Arrow,
Harbinger, the Justice League, the Green Lanterns, and
the Infinitors all strike telling blows against the enemy
forces, until finally the Grandmaster, sensing imminent
defeat, commands that they must detonate the bomb which
will destroy the Earth. None of the heroes can reach the
Manhunter nearest the detonator in time, but Booster Gold
unexpectedly blasts the android, then holds off the others
who attempt to replace him. As the Manhunters fall, one
by one, Marcie Cooper, the Harlequin, slips away in the
confusion. The battle is won. Booster claims merely to have been
infiltrating the enemy ranks, but the other heroes refuse to
believe his story, and they take him into custody.
No sooner is the struggle over than the rest of the super-
heroes return from space. Before they can do more than
exchange greetings, the images of Herupa and Nadia
appear and summon them back to the GL Citadel. Before
the Chosen can be transformed, the Oans state, they must
each return for a brief time to the outside world, accompa-
nied by the heroes. As Celia Windward investigates a suspicious limousine
parked down the hill, and Infinity, Inc. prepares to accom-
pany Betty Clawman, a bitter Booster Gold flies off with
Xiang Po.