| - A color code or ranking could indicate level of severity and response needed. Color code examples:
* Yellow - monitoring conditions, anticipating a relief response
* Orange - gathering resources for a relief response
* Red - sending relief and/or relief is on site
* Blue - winding down relief response
* Green - relief response no longer needed In addition, the following information would be needed:
* Incident ID: unique for each disaster/emergency
* Incident status: color code or rank code
* Report date/time: when this report is released
* Next Report date/time: when next report is schedule for release
* Incident type: flood, fire, tornado, tsunami, hurricane, etc. (or combination)
* Incident start date:
* Incident end date:
* Location(s) of incident: city/cities, county/counties, state/states, region/regions.
* Number of animals: needing assistance from ACT
* Contact: email of responsible party who released report Each incident is assigned a 3 digit ID plus letter suffix, plus optional location abbreviation. The 3 digit ID remains constant for an incident. The letter suffix is changed for each report. The first incident example is flooding in northeast. Example report (incident 001) for all affected states:
* Incident ID: ACT-001A
* Incident status: Yellow
* Report date/time: May-16-2006 2100 (UTC)
* Next report date/time: May-17-2006 1100 (UTC)
* Incident type: Flood
* Incident start date: May-15-2006
* Incident end date: ongoing
* Location of incident: NH, VT, MA
* Number of animals: >50
* Contact: email@domain.com (send reply with [Incident ID] in subject line) ### Example report (incident 001) for New Hampshire:
* Incident ID: ACT-001B-NH
* Incident status: Red
* Report date/time: May-16-2006 2100 (UTC)
* Next report date/time: May-17-2006 1100 (UTC)
* Incident type: Flood
* Incident start date: May-15-2006
* Incident end date: ongoing
* Location of Incident: southern New Hampshire
* Number of animals: 20-30
* Contact: email@domain.com (send reply with [Incident ID] in subject line) ### The second incident example is tsunami on the west coast. Example IDs (incident 002) ACT-002A-WA, ACT-002B-OR, ACT-002C-CA, ACT-002D-WA, etc. Each report should be archived in a file folder designated Incident Reports, in addition to being emailed to the ACT forum. See: Incident reports can also be put on the ACT wiki with lots of crosslinking to increase utility of reports. See: link for Situation reports Each incident location should be mapped using color coded pins on a mashup map server with links to the incident reports. See: Physical address coordinates can be found here: Time zones should be attached to times. UTC is the preferred time standard. See: and This proposal needs to be discussed and adapted. ###