The name Torak might refer to:
* Torak (Governor), a Klingon governor
* Torak (mythology), a mythic figure to the Drellians
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| - Torak – protagonista modyfikacji Kopalnia. Jest brunetem średniej postury, jego twarz okala zarost. Posiada oczy koloru błękitnego. Pochodzi ze Starego Obozu. Podczas pobytu w Starej Kopalni, Torak zostaje strażnikiem lub magiem. Po opuszczeniu Cmentarzyska Orków wraz z Grimesem, udaje się ku przełęczy Khorinis. Nie wiadomo czy jego zamiary stają się faktem. Najpewniej nie, gdyż Grimes dołącza do grupy górniczej Marcosa, więc w międzyczasie Torak mógł zostać zabity przez orków lub inne stworzenia przebywające w Górniczej Dolinie.
- The name Torak might refer to:
* Torak (Governor), a Klingon governor
* Torak (mythology), a mythic figure to the Drellians
- Torak is the third of the seven Gods. His people are the Angaraks, and his is the only totem animal to be counted among the monstrous races (perhaps due to Torak's vain attempts to enhance the creature): the dragon. He wields the Sword of Shadows, the horrific Cthrek Goru. The left side of his body, most notably his face and hand, are seriously maimed — burnt by the Orb of Aldur. His left eye, called The Eye That Was Not, continually burns with the fire of the Orb of Aldur. Beldin often referred to Torak as "Old burnt-face".
- Torak is the main character in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. He is originally stated to be from the Wolf Clan, but through the series, is established as "Clanless". He possesses the powers of spirit walking and an abnormal verbal connection with wolves. For some reason, part of this page has been removed between 27 may 2016 and 4 februari 2017. Luckily, the Internet Archive has this page: . Here's the article, copied from the Wikia diff archive (version of januari 9, 2017):
- For the first 12 years of his life, Torak has lived with his father (a former Wolf Clan Mage) in isolation from the Clans. One day their camp is attacked by a bear that was possessed by a demon. It wounds Torak's father mortally, leaving Torak alone in the Forest for the first time. Under his father's instructions, he travels north to try and find the Mountain of the World Spirit and ask for the Spirit's help in destroying the bear. He encounters a lone wolf cub whose family has been killed by a flash flood. Wolf becomes Torak's guide and pack-brother. He also becomes acquainted with the Raven Clan, especially with their chief Fin-Kedinn and his niece Renn.
- Beschreibung: Die Toraks sind mittelgroße, graugemusterte Vögel. Die Männchen erkennt man an einem schneeweißen Ring rund um den Hals. Im Erwachsenenalter leben sie meist allein und verteidigen mit allen Kräften ihr Revier gegen alle Konkurrenten um die magere Beute. Gut an ihren Lebensraum angepasst vollführen sie bei der Jagd immer wieder Sturzflüge und andere halsbrecherische Manöver. Leider kann man ihre Flugkunst nie lange bewundern, da sie sich sofort auf jeden Menschen stürzen, den sie erblicken. Stufe: 54 Lebenspunkte: 1.650 LP Wundschwellen: ? Gewonnene Erfahrung: 103 EP Gold: ~ 41 Gold
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| - Spiegelhandschuhe, Torakdaunen, Paluritplättchen und alle Randomdrops
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| - Die Toraks sind mittelgroße, graugemusterte Vögel. Die Männchen erkennt man an einem schneeweißen Ring rund um den Hals. Im Erwachsenenalter leben sie meist allein und verteidigen mit allen Kräften ihr Revier gegen alle Konkurrenten um die magere Beute. Gut an ihren Lebensraum angepasst vollführen sie bei der Jagd immer wieder Sturzflüge und andere halsbrecherische Manöver. Leider kann man ihre Flugkunst nie lange bewundern, da sie sich sofort auf jeden Menschen stürzen, den sie erblicken.
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wikipage disambiguates
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| - Torak – protagonista modyfikacji Kopalnia. Jest brunetem średniej postury, jego twarz okala zarost. Posiada oczy koloru błękitnego. Pochodzi ze Starego Obozu. Podczas pobytu w Starej Kopalni, Torak zostaje strażnikiem lub magiem. Po opuszczeniu Cmentarzyska Orków wraz z Grimesem, udaje się ku przełęczy Khorinis. Nie wiadomo czy jego zamiary stają się faktem. Najpewniej nie, gdyż Grimes dołącza do grupy górniczej Marcosa, więc w międzyczasie Torak mógł zostać zabity przez orków lub inne stworzenia przebywające w Górniczej Dolinie.
- Torak is the main character in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. He is originally stated to be from the Wolf Clan, but through the series, is established as "Clanless". He possesses the powers of spirit walking and an abnormal verbal connection with wolves. For some reason, part of this page has been removed between 27 may 2016 and 4 februari 2017. Luckily, the Internet Archive has this page: . Here's the article, copied from the Wikia diff archive (version of januari 9, 2017): Torak is the protagonist of the series. Starting out in Wolf Brother as an orphaned 12-year-old boy, he battles the evil Soul Eaters throughout the six books of The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, together with his friends, and eventually vanquishes them altogether in Ghost Hunter, the last installment of the series.
- The name Torak might refer to:
* Torak (Governor), a Klingon governor
* Torak (mythology), a mythic figure to the Drellians
- For the first 12 years of his life, Torak has lived with his father (a former Wolf Clan Mage) in isolation from the Clans. One day their camp is attacked by a bear that was possessed by a demon. It wounds Torak's father mortally, leaving Torak alone in the Forest for the first time. Under his father's instructions, he travels north to try and find the Mountain of the World Spirit and ask for the Spirit's help in destroying the bear. He encounters a lone wolf cub whose family has been killed by a flash flood. Wolf becomes Torak's guide and pack-brother. He also becomes acquainted with the Raven Clan, especially with their chief Fin-Kedinn and his niece Renn. Torak is revealed to be the prophecied Listener, destined to not only stop the demon bear, but also its creators, the Soul Eaters, a group of corrupted mages who aspire to rule the Forest and are determined to eliminate the offspring of their former member (Torak's father). After destroying the bear, Torak lives with the Raven Clan for the following three summers, facing off the Soul Eaters one after another. During these adventures, Torak discovers that he's a spirit walker, a creature whose souls are capable of entering into other creatures. The World Spirit proclaimed to Torak's mother that the boy's fate was to destroy the evil his father had helped to create and made him a spirit walker to aid him in this quest. However, his mother had to declare him clanless because no clan must have power over the others and soon after she died. The infant was taken care of by a wolf until his father could raise him by himself. This made Torak able to communicate with wolves. At the end of the last book, following the Soul Eaters' final defeat, Torak re-enters his nomadic lifestyle, only with as company Renn, Wolf, Wolf's mate Darkfur and cub Pebble and the ravens Rip and Rek.
- Torak is the third of the seven Gods. His people are the Angaraks, and his is the only totem animal to be counted among the monstrous races (perhaps due to Torak's vain attempts to enhance the creature): the dragon. He wields the Sword of Shadows, the horrific Cthrek Goru. Torak was at first very beautiful and haughty; he was apparently the most handsome of the Gods. Belgarath described that he was more beautiful than any being he had seen, and he walked as if his foot spurned the earth. He had black hair, very pale skin and greenish-colored eyes. Belgarath described that his face was beautiful to the point of being pretty and his hair looked as if he spent a lot of time combing it. Torak seemed to be telepathic or knew what Belgarath was thinking. Alone among his brothers, Torak served the Dark in the War of Destinies. He fought them all in the War of the Gods, which he had brought about by stealing the Orb of Aldur; when almost defeated, he split the world using the power of the Orb, leaving the remaining Angaraks on one side of a new ocean, and their enemies on the other. However, this act offended the spirit of the Orb, and it struck him with its fire in retaliation. The left side of his body, most notably his face and hand, are seriously maimed — burnt by the Orb of Aldur. His left eye, called The Eye That Was Not, continually burns with the fire of the Orb of Aldur. Beldin often referred to Torak as "Old burnt-face". Establishing a theocratic, military culture, Torak drove the Angaraks to exploit and dominate the new continent of Mallorea, integrating the Dals, Karands and Melcenes, and also taking much of the western continent. Upon the theft of the Orb, he destroyed Cthol Mishrak and sent three castes of peoples to be guardians against the peoples of the West: Nadraks (townspeople, merchants), Thulls (serfs/servants/peasants), and Murgos (noblemen, warriors). He also changed a number of Grolims to be the Chandim. Torak was overcome with the prophetic ecstasy at Ashaba where he resided for a time and produced the Ashabine Oracles. Coming out of Ashaba, he decided to dominate the world and called forth all able bodied male Angaraks and Malloreans to conquer the Western continent. However, his imperial ambitions were stopped by Brand, as he was rendered comatose at the Battle of Vo Mimbre and his forces were noticeably diminished by the combined armies of the West. Eons later, Torak was slain by Belgarion in the ruins of Cthol Mishrak, at what was originally thought to be the ultimate meeting of the Child of Light and the Child of Dark.
- Beschreibung: Die Toraks sind mittelgroße, graugemusterte Vögel. Die Männchen erkennt man an einem schneeweißen Ring rund um den Hals. Im Erwachsenenalter leben sie meist allein und verteidigen mit allen Kräften ihr Revier gegen alle Konkurrenten um die magere Beute. Gut an ihren Lebensraum angepasst vollführen sie bei der Jagd immer wieder Sturzflüge und andere halsbrecherische Manöver. Leider kann man ihre Flugkunst nie lange bewundern, da sie sich sofort auf jeden Menschen stürzen, den sie erblicken. Stufe: 54 Lebenspunkte: 1.650 LP Wundschwellen: ? Gewonnene Erfahrung: 103 EP Gold: ~ 41 Gold Drops: Spiegelhandschuhe, Torakdaunen, Paluritplättchen und alle Randomdrops
* Tornado
* Tornado
* Säureatem