| - Black Albino is a Pokémon Fanfic written by Annarti circa 2004. Aurinko and Kuu are two Nidoran, male and female, born at different times, in different burrows, in different places of the Pokémon 'verse; however they share a common trait: they are something completely unexpected for their families and societies. Aurinko is the palest Nidoran around, despite being the strongest heir of a dark male, whereas Kuu is the darkest Nidoran around, despite being born from a weak albino and a Disappeared Dad. And these details mean their fates are already decided -- Aurinko will always be at the bottom, assuming she even manages to survive, whereas Kuu will rise to the top, even if he doesn't want to.
| - Black Albino is a Pokémon Fanfic written by Annarti circa 2004. Aurinko and Kuu are two Nidoran, male and female, born at different times, in different burrows, in different places of the Pokémon 'verse; however they share a common trait: they are something completely unexpected for their families and societies. Aurinko is the palest Nidoran around, despite being the strongest heir of a dark male, whereas Kuu is the darkest Nidoran around, despite being born from a weak albino and a Disappeared Dad. And these details mean their fates are already decided -- Aurinko will always be at the bottom, assuming she even manages to survive, whereas Kuu will rise to the top, even if he doesn't want to. Despite their differences, Aurinko and Kuu's lives start mirroring each other as the way of their societies start affecting their lives, until some events force them to leave. This way they have to completely deviate from the normal Nidoran life at the burrows and deal with their issues, as well as the threats the world presents, alone and unassisted. The story is split in two plotlines, with the odd-numbered chapters following Aurinko and the even-numbered ones following Kuu. Word of God says both lead characters were intended to meet at some point. The fic was relatively well written and explored some elements of the Nidoran mindset. It was written by the time of Generation 2 or 3, so there are some missing mechanics and the interpretation of both the humans and of their interaction with Pokémon are somewhat off with the current canon, but this doesn't detriment of the story value. Unfortunately a Dead Fic. Needs More Love.