| - The Guado are wooden and elvish in appearance with long limbs, oversized hands with claw like nails, prominent veins on their faces, and hair resembling flora. Due to their role of overseeing and protecting the Farplane in Guadosalam, they are astute in determining unsent from regular people by their scent. Of all the races in Spira, the Guado are physically the fastest, able to run twice as fast as humans. Their high speed makes the Guado Glories an effective blitzball team.
| - The Guado are wooden and elvish in appearance with long limbs, oversized hands with claw like nails, prominent veins on their faces, and hair resembling flora. Due to their role of overseeing and protecting the Farplane in Guadosalam, they are astute in determining unsent from regular people by their scent. Of all the races in Spira, the Guado are physically the fastest, able to run twice as fast as humans. Their high speed makes the Guado Glories an effective blitzball team. Unlike other races in Spira, Guado do not seem to leave behind bodies when dead, in the case of the Guado Guardian. However, that may be because of battle convenience. Also, the Guado tend to keep their problems to themselves as seen in cases of Jyscal Guado's sphere from Final Fantasy X, and when Tromell asks Yuna to forget about them in Final Fantasy X-2. Guado have a religious culture, which causes them to come across as arrogant. Their role as guardians of the Farplane have led to them looking down upon other races. The Guado were converted to the Yevon religion under their leader, Jyscal Guado, who was later appointed a Maester of Yevon. Despite their strict religious culture, they are generous and welcoming to guests.