Salim Is the new friend Tony, who appeared in an episode to return to school, which has many similarities with Tony.
Salim was an inmate at the Anacostia Detention Facility in Washington, D.C. during Day 6.
Salim is a planet. The planet's appearance in the sky is seen as a sign of Safety. The planet Salim was missing from the skies of Shapeir for several days, just before the city was attacked by Elementals.
Salim is the leader, or sheikh, of a small tribe of Bedouins living in the Rub' al Khali desert. He is featured as a supporting character and ally to protagonist Nathan Drake during the latter half of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. He is also featured as a playable skin in Drake's Deception and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. In both of his appearances, Salim is voiced and motion-captured by TJ Ramini.
Salim is a young Muslim man from Oman who moved to New York City a week prior.