The tall, thin Mr. Harke and his short, stocky associate Mr. Burr are the eponymous protagonists of Harke & Burr, a strip in the Judge Dredd Megazine. They are also the proprietors of Harke & Burr's, an antiques and curios emporium in the ancient Cursed Earth township of Dunedin. Their never-ending quest to make a few creds has in the past led them into unfortunate encounters with ancient Egyptian mummy stockbrokers, undead hamsters created by a vampire vet, and killer war droids accidentally reactivated by Mr. Harke while attempting to win a competition to find Dunedin's finest artist, amongst others.
* See also Harke & Burr Vol 1 1, which reprints their first three stories.
* Their Secret Origin was told in Judge Dredd Megazine #2.83 in 1995 .
* Their last original appearance to date was in the story Satanic Farces in Megazine issues #3.04-3.07 in 1995 .