Anagallis Dragons were released on April 26, 2015, as part of the April 2015 release.
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| - Anagallis Dragons were released on April 26, 2015, as part of the April 2015 release.
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| - *While they will fight when necessary, they prefer to use cunning and trickery to evade threats.
*Their behavior is an excellent predictor of weather patterns. They can sense foul weather coming long before the signs are clear to others, and are rarely caught without a safe place to retreat to.
*They are capable of producing a wide array of vocalizations, and are known to mimic the calls of other dragons, and even non-dragon species.
*In the wild, they mate for life.
*They have very elaborate mating rituals, including presenting each other with flowers and brightly-colored stones and courtship dances which may take place over several days.
*They are very fond of “decorating” and will often gather flowers to adorn their surroundings–and sometimes themselves.
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| - This delicately patterned egg is sitting in the sunshine.
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| - Jungle
- Desert
- Forest
- *They are very fond of sunlight, and can often be found basking in open areas.
*Rather than establishing a single cave or nest, they tend to have multiple hideaways that they can retreat to in case of danger or foul weather.
*They are very agile at maneuvering in wooded environments, both in the air and on the ground.
*They tend to congregate near water, and do not seem daunted even by fast-moving rivers.
| - *They have dextrous forefeet, capable of manipulating small objects.
*Their claws are retractible.
*While not prehensile, their tails are very flexible and sometimes used as a defensive weapon.
*Their comparatively short, rounded wings are adapted to flight amid dense vegetation.
*Males have a stripe of pink along the outer edge of their wings, with corresponding gold markings along the edge of the inner wing.
*Females have a stripe of purple along the outer edge of their wings, with corresponding gold markings along the edge of the inner wing.
*Their golden horns are prized by hunters.
*Eye color ranges between shades of purple and blue.
| - *Newly-hatched young blend well into the undergrowth.
*As they near maturity, they begin to develop brightly-colored markings.
*They tend to be very vocal.
*Hatchlings tend to form attachments easily. As a result, the parents have to watch them closely to keep them from wandering off after any creature that happens by.
*Their playful nature does not seem to decrease significantly as they mature.
*Males often develop their markings slightly later than females.
*Frequently exhibit “play bowing.”
*They are not picky eaters.
| - Green and yellow;
- red or blue
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| - *Their favorite treat is honey. Their scales are tough enough to protect them in all but a few vulnerable places, but the stings they do receive don’t seem to bother them.
*They frequently hunt cooperatively, especially when pursuing large game.
*They never hunt other dragons. Should they kill one in a fight, they will not consume it afterwards.
*Due to their association with healing plants, some believe that consuming ground Anagallis horns, bones, and other parts may heal diseases. Most experts find these claims dubious at best.
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| - Anagallis Dragons were released on April 26, 2015, as part of the April 2015 release.