| - Lacuna Coil es un grupo de Gothic Metal formado en Milán, Italia en 1994. Antiguamente fueron conocidos como Sleep of Right y Ethereal.
- Lacuna Coil é unha banda de metal alternativo italiana procedente de Milán, formada en 1994. Antigamente coñecida coma Sleep of Right e Ethereal, o grupo inspírase na combinación da estética e da música gótica, e os seus membros son coñecidos musicalmente por compoñer cancións en medios tempos consistentes en liñas de guitarra superpostas con destacados traballos de teclado, e harmonías vocais onde contrasta a voz feminina e a masculina.
- Page about Lacuna Coil
- Gothic metal band italiana con all'attivo 4 album (il quinto è in uscita) e 2 EP, fondata a Milano nel 1994. La band, a causa del genere e dell'immagine proposta, è stata più volte paragonata agli Evanescence. Più volte i fan delle due band si sono resi protagonisti di "scontri".
- Lacuna Coil is an Italian metal band from Milan. Since their formation in 1994, the group has had two name changes, being previously known as Sleep of Right and Ethereal. Inspired by the combination of gothic imagery and music, the members have been known, musically, for composing mid-tempo songs consisting of prominent guitar lines and contrasting dual female/male vocal harmonies to help create a melodic, detached sound. Much of the band's recent material, however, sees a heavier and more down-tuned style, featuring a more distinct bass line and a higher mixing of the guitars within the songs. The band's 2012 release, Dark Adrenaline, peaked at number 15 on the Billboard 200. As of March 2012, Lacuna Coil has sold over 2 million records.
- I Lacuna Coil sono un gruppo cothic metal milanese formatosi nel 1994, in rotazione 24 ore su 24 sul canale metal che più metal non si può, ovvero MTV.
- Lacuna Coil is an Italian rock band from Milan, Italy, formed in 1994. Formerly known as Sleep of Right and Ethereal, the band was inspired by the combination of gothic imagery and music, and the members have been known, musically, for composing midtempo songs consisting of guitar lines overlaid with prominent keyboard work, and contrasting dual female/male vocal harmonies to help create a melodic detached sound. Much of the band's recent material, however, sees a heavier and more down-tuned style, featuring a more distinct bass line and a higher mixing of the guitars within the songs.