| - Almost no matter what your level of military tech- javelin, arquebus, phased plasma rifle in the 40 Watt range, quantum black hole, whatever - it's nowhere near as good as it was in your great-great-granddad's day. In those days, men were real men, women were real women, and hideously powerful destructive forces were... better than this modern muck, with glowing runes and everything. This could be despite the apparent primitive nature of the society at the time. More rationally, it could also be the cause of the primitive nature of the society immediately following...
| - Almost no matter what your level of military tech- javelin, arquebus, phased plasma rifle in the 40 Watt range, quantum black hole, whatever - it's nowhere near as good as it was in your great-great-granddad's day. In those days, men were real men, women were real women, and hideously powerful destructive forces were... better than this modern muck, with glowing runes and everything. This could be despite the apparent primitive nature of the society at the time. More rationally, it could also be the cause of the primitive nature of the society immediately following... In any event, unlike its cousins the Ancestral Weapon and Forgotten Superweapon, the Lost Superweapon is lost, and not just down the back of the sofa with some loose change and badly crumpled hidden back issues of Playbeing. (For the latter, see Superweapon Surprise.) Lost Superweapons are generally a type of Plot Coupon and found in fantasy novels and video games. If the Lost Superweapon has become a notable part of the landscape, then it is a Weaponized Landmark. See also: MacGuffin, Artifact of Doom, Older Is Better and Lost Technology. Compare Fling a Light Into the Future. Examples of Lost Superweapon include: