| - Milena, die auch "Milka" genannt wurde, ist eine Zauberin und die Tochter von König Vizimir, dem Gerechten und dessen Gemahlin Hedwig von Malleore. Ihre Geschwister waren Dalimira, die auch "Dalka" genannt wurde und Radovid, der später unter Radovid der Strenge König von Redanien wurde. Milena besuchte die Aretuza Akademie unter den Pseudonym "Millegarda".
- Milena (ミレイナ) is a playable character in Destrega. She is Anjie's cousin and bodyguard. Completing 1P Battle Mode with Milena unlocks Dynasty Warriors Sun Shang Xiang as a character skin for her.
- In the beginning Milena was a gentle nurse who worked in the city hospital of Elektrozoa. But that was before the region was put under quarantine due to a strange infection that was zombifying its inhabitants. For several months, Milena braved the disaster alone thanks to her knives and strong survival instinct. And after finally escaping that living hell, she was seen as an ideal recruit by the La Junta, who were on the lookout for a nurse who really meant business.
- Milena, known as Milka, is a sorceress and the daughter of Vizimir the Just and Hedwig of Malleore. Her siblings were Dalimira, known also as Dalka and Radovid, later to become Radovid V the Stern, king of Redania. She attended Aretuza under the pseudonym "Millegarda".
- Milena, detta anche Milka, fu una maga, figlia di re Vizimir II e della regina Hedwig di Malleore, di Redania. I suoi fratelli furono Dalimira, detta anche Dalka e Radovid, che prese il nome di Radovid V l'Austero, quando salì al trono di Redania. Frequentò Aretuza sotto lo pseudonimo "Millegarda".
- Milena (Japanese: 紅 Kurenai) is the Gym Leader of Perdimus City Gym, known officially as Perdimus Gym. She specializes in Dragon-type Pokémon. She gives out the Marvel Badge to Trainers who defeat her.
- Milena, surnommée Milka, etait magicienne et la fille de Vizimir le Juste et Hedwige de Malleore. Sa sœur était Dalimira, surnommée Dalka et son frère, Radowid, qui devint Radowid V le Sévère, roi de la Rédanie. Elle assista à Aretuza sous le pseudonyme de « Millegarda ».
- Milena is the pirate queen, and also the mother of Ruby and Albert. Has a deal with Mephisto.