| - Wardens are a group of watchers who look after artifacts left behind by advanced civilizations. The wardens protect the doors, as well as other ancient artifacts left here by an advanced civilization thousands of years ago. The Wardens were a select group that stayed behind to make sure that this technology was never tampered with or used for evil.
- The Wardens are, in theory, the supreme military leaders of their respective areas of Westeros, under the overall authority of the King. The individual titles are Warden of the West, Warden of the North, Warden of the East and Warden of the South. Traditionally the titles are awarded as follows:
- The Wardens may also be cannibals, given the shortage of food in the prison and the appearance of human corpses in the kitchen. They are first encountered ambushing a man (presumably an escaped prisoner of theirs). Then after went to seize Joseph Capelli and Dr. Malikov while they were on a train ride to New York City, employing modified civilian vehicles and LU-P Lynxes. They suffered heavy casualties as they attempted to board the train, only to be killed off by Capelli and losing many of thier vehicles in the process. They were further decimated by the arrival of a herd of Widowmakers.
- The Wardens were a group brought together by Mira Baatch after the Battle of the Sphere to protect the secrets of the darksphere. In the decades after the Force Wars, the lost Rakatan device was re-discovered by Padawans Kel-Ma and Mira’s daughters, Adena Kheldrommas, and Dinara Kheldrommas. Corrupted by its influence, Adena took the darksphere, after Dinara died and Adena killed Kel-Ma, and formed the Cult of the Sphere. This cult was tracked down by a group of Jedi and Dark Jedi, led by Mira and her father Calid Baatch, and defeated on Tatooine.
| - Wardens are a group of watchers who look after artifacts left behind by advanced civilizations. The wardens protect the doors, as well as other ancient artifacts left here by an advanced civilization thousands of years ago. The Wardens were a select group that stayed behind to make sure that this technology was never tampered with or used for evil.
- The Wardens are, in theory, the supreme military leaders of their respective areas of Westeros, under the overall authority of the King. The individual titles are Warden of the West, Warden of the North, Warden of the East and Warden of the South. The title carries significant prestige and honour, although it is often secondary to the holder's primary title, which is usually the ruling lord of a great House. Tradition holds that the title is given to certain lords, but the King can award it to another of his choosing. This typically only happens if the traditional holder dies and his heir is not yet of age. Traditionally the titles are awarded as follows:
* The Warden of the West is usually the ruling Lord of House Lannister of Casterly Rock.
* The Warden of the North is usually the ruling Lord of House Stark of Winterfell.
* The Warden of the East is usually the ruling Lord of House Arryn of the Eyrie.
* The Warden of the South is usually the ruling Lord of House Tyrell of Highgarden. The Riverlands, Iron Islands and Dorne are, in theory, subject to the authority of the respective Wardens of the East, West and South, but traditionally the ruling lords of those areas command their own forces in battle. The title is usually only employed when an exterior threat to all of Westeros arises, which is very rare: the last time this happened was during the War of the Ninepenny Kings. As the post is martial, it is not considered acceptable for a woman to hold the role, so Lord Jon Arryn's widow, Lady Lysa Arryn was not allowed to take the title of Warden of the East after the death of her husband, and Queen Regent Cersei Lannister decided not to take the title of Warden of the West after the death of her father, although she inherited his title as Lady of Casterly Rock. In the former case there was discussion of the title being temporarily being given to Ser Jaime Lannister, but with the Arryns swearing fealty to King Tommen Baratheon at the conclusion of the War of the Five Kings, the title was instead awarded as an honour to Lord Robert Arryn, despite his extreme youth. In the latter case, Cersei awarded the title to her cousin, Ser Daven Lannister, who was prosecuting a siege of Riverrun at the time.
- The Wardens were a group brought together by Mira Baatch after the Battle of the Sphere to protect the secrets of the darksphere. In the decades after the Force Wars, the lost Rakatan device was re-discovered by Padawans Kel-Ma and Mira’s daughters, Adena Kheldrommas, and Dinara Kheldrommas. Corrupted by its influence, Adena took the darksphere, after Dinara died and Adena killed Kel-Ma, and formed the Cult of the Sphere. This cult was tracked down by a group of Jedi and Dark Jedi, led by Mira and her father Calid Baatch, and defeated on Tatooine. Adena was captured and sentenced to spend an eternity sleeping in a hyperspace stasis pod. As Adena was being sentenced, Mira took the darksphere and attempted to destroy it, fearing that others would one day try to harness its dark side power. The power of the sphere, however, convinced Mira to simply hide it away. It was the will of the sphere that it be found again, but Mira hoped that its location would remain secret. After she hid it, Mira formed the Wardens, who studied what she learned from the sphere and swore to protect those secrets, and the location of the sphere, from the galaxy so they did not fall into the wrong hands. The Wardens existed for thousands of years after their founding, and they passed down what they knew from one generation to the next. The Wardens returned to prominence during the Great Territorial War, when Ussej Padric Bac became a Warden and discovered the location of a number ancient artifacts. Thousands of years later, Skhai Baatch was a Warden and guided Jedi Master Jhon Cordatus in his attempt to learn about Ussej Padric Bac and what galactic secrets Bac discovered during the Great Territorial War.
- The Wardens may also be cannibals, given the shortage of food in the prison and the appearance of human corpses in the kitchen. They are first encountered ambushing a man (presumably an escaped prisoner of theirs). Then after went to seize Joseph Capelli and Dr. Malikov while they were on a train ride to New York City, employing modified civilian vehicles and LU-P Lynxes. They suffered heavy casualties as they attempted to board the train, only to be killed off by Capelli and losing many of thier vehicles in the process. They were further decimated by the arrival of a herd of Widowmakers. It is assumed that the majority, or possibly all of the Wardens were killed during Capelli's prison break and the Chimeran invasion of the prison.