| - The UFO can be found on Washington and spawns Railguns and Rails . Usually Hazmat Zombies will spawn near to it Kategorie:Orte
- The UFOs are remote-controlled flying saucers used by the martians in Metal Slug.
- UFO is a family of viruses from the Mega Man Battle Network series. Although they never directly attack, they do steal the target's Battle Chips during the battle by charging into it. They never appear alone.
- The UFO (aka Flying Saucer or Mystery Ship) is a ship that will randomly pop up. If a player hits it, they will receive a random number of either 50, 100, or 150 points. However, if they perform the secret of firing 22 shots, then hitting it on the 23rd shot, then on the 15th shot thereafter, they will receive 300 points every time.
- A UFO ("Unidentified Flying Object") is a type of vehicle used by Tamagotchis to travel to and from the Tamagotchi Planet. Their size and appearance varies, and they appear infrequently on the virtual pets.
- A UFO is an unidentified flying object. More specifically, it is some atypical or seemingly-unexplainable aerial phenomenon. UFO's are believed by many people to be extraterrestrial spacecraft, though there has yet to be any widely-convincing discovery of extraterrestrial technology. "Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon" (UAP) may be a better name, but "UFO" has stuck.
- UFO may refer to:
* Eric Bergmann a.k.a. UFO
* UFO (Trick) a trick, also referred to as the Flying Saucer
- Die UFO's kann man in DarkOrbit sehr selten sehen. Sie werden von den Supportern gesteuert, und mit Namen wie zum Beispiel "Papa Möp", "Mama Möp" oder "Baby Möp" gekennzeichnet. Außerdem kommen sie in bestimmten Events, aber auch in den Battlemaps, als auch in den alten und neuen Maps vor. Bei einem Abschuss eines UFO's bekommt man dann viel Uridium und EP. Wenn man aber jedoch von einem getroffen wurde, werden sehr viele HP abgezogen. Der Supporter kann auch bestimmen, wie viel Uridum, Credits, Erfahrungspunkte usw. es gibt. Auserdem sendet das UFO Ufoniten aus. Diese geben leider nur eine kleine Menge an Credits, Uridum und rest.
- UFO was a four-part M.A.C.H.1 story. In it, an alien spacecraft crash-lands on earth in the woods not far from a remote American logging community. Probe is sent in undercover to investigate, but when the locals try to destroy it, more craft arrive and attack the town.
- The UFO is an item that falls under the category of "" in the . It is a Flying Disc that can be found on walks and is exclusive to Nintendogs: Labrador & Friends.
- The UFO, or Unidentified Flying Object, was the place that the Black Moon Clan lived in in the manga and the first Sailor Moon anime. They also used the UFO for transportation.
- El UFO (también conocido como OVNI) es un vehículo que aparece por primera vez en el nivel Theory of Everything la cual fue añadida en la Actualización 1.5.
- For the list of levels with this element, see .
- "UFO" is the twenty fourth and final episode of Thunderbirds 2086, and twenty second produced overall. The episode first aired at an unspecified point after 1982.
- The UFO vehicle came out in the following version:
- Bez kodów. Niech Sim długo patrzy przez teleskop w czasie nocy. W końcu UFO go porwie. Gdy Sim ma dużo punktów logiki, szansa na porwanie znacząco wzrośnie.
- UFO - 307. odcinek serialu Świat według Kiepskich.
- The UFO was a room in Club Penguin. It was accessible by being randomly abducted at most outside rooms. When in the room, players could not move off of a small square platform (as nowhere but the spawn area was valid movement space), and would automatically be sent out of the room in a few seconds. This was also the UFO Observatory during Operation: Crustacean, where players could move more freely.
- UFO was a subtheme of LEGO theme Space in the years 1996 to 1999. The theme began in 1996 with KC06 UFO Alien Key Chain.
- UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects, make appearances in the SNES game EarthBound where they were implied to be employed by Giygas in his takeover of Eagleland. They also appeared as enemies, however, in that state they were small, cute-looking, apparently sentient beings called Li'l UFOs.
- UFO was the name given to a pair of competitor robots that fought in Series 6 and 7 of Robot Wars. The first version was eliminated in the first round of Series 6, while the second version reached the second round in Series 7, losing to Judge Shred 3 there. UFO was the only robot to be entered by completely different team members from the same team in both of its appearances. Team UFO were known as Team 51 outside of the TV show.
- UFO's are an essence in MySims PC, and a power-up in MySims Racing.
- UFO - pojazd kosmiczny. Występuje w grach: Reksio i Skarb Piratów, Reksio i UFO oraz w Reksio i Kretes w Akcji. Kierują nim Ufokury. Resztki jednego UFO leżały przed Kurnikami, po tym jak Reksio strącił je Burakami. Akcja jednego z epizodów RIU dzieje się właśnie na UFO. 200px|thumb|UFO wraz z Jajem w RIKWA
- [[Súbor:Ufo night lamp.jpg|thumb|250px|right|Mimozemšťan E.P., bratranec E.T.ho, vo svojom ufo-sedane.]] UFO, teda Ultra Fialový Objekt, v reči našich anglických priateľov Neidentifikovateľný lietajúci objekt, ale aj Undefined Functional Object, to jest „taký Bazmek“, je aj dopravný prostriedok väčšiny mimozemšťanov, ktorý napodiv nie je ani ultra, ani fialový (jedinú výnimku tvorí fialové ufo, ktoré postavil otec Chucka Norrisa v roku 1939 P.V.T., keď ho šiel hľadať do Galaktickej republiky).
- The UFO is a utility introduced in Worms Revolution. It can be used to move any Physics Object in the game to a location chosen by the user. It can also move Girders. The utility itself is a long range version of the Telekinesis, and is a better choice because the Telekinesis is very limited in range. When selected, a green UFO hovers over the selected Physics Object/Girder and picks it up, and you can move it to the desired location.
- The Interior has several features including liquid filled tanks that Bob Dole and President Clinton fell trap to and a huge oven that the Simpson family were cooked in during Treehouse of Horror XV.
- UFO is the acronym for Unidentified Flying Object, which refers to any apparent anomaly in the sky that is not readily identifiable to the observer as any known object. Originally referred to popularly as "flying saucers" during the late 1940s, the term UFO became more widespread during the 1950s, initially among interested professionals and later in popular culture. Associated with extraterrestrial life and/or conspiracism in popular culture, UFOs serves as fetishes for multiple anxieties.
- UFO,全名为Unidentified flying object,中文译称不明飞行物,俗称飞碟。是一种没有人知道是什么东西的飞行物体,仅管根据美国人的说法其实是外星人搭乘的飞机,不过实际上一直没有人能证实。
- UFOs are very unpredictable flying enemies in Kid Chameleon.
- The UFO is a vehicle in FarmVille. It was available for 24 hours in the Market on August 15th, 2010 as part of the 7 Days of Summer Event. It functions similar to the Biplane. It was re-released on June 23rd, 2011, as part of the FarmVille Birthday Classics event. It was available for 1 day as part of the UFO theme, on the 8th day.
- In SimCity 3000, A large mothership UFO appears alongside many smaller UFOs, which will abduct Sims as well as destroying buildings. UFOs does not shoot lasers in this game, unlike most later installments.
- Saugt Kirby ein U.F.O. oder aber Docs Raumschiff ein, so wird er selbst zur fliegenden Untertasse. Diese Fähigkeit kombiniert zwei Fähigkeiten in einem. So kann man durch einfaches Drücken des B-Knopfes die Beam-Fähigkeit einsetzen oder durch halten vom B-Knopf die Laser-Fähigkeit in unterschiedlichen Stärken einsetzten. Im Anime kann man in Folge 89 kurz ein U.F.O auf einer Zeichnung sehen, jedoch ist nicht erkennbar ob es Kirby oder U.F.O darstellt. In Kirby's Adventure behält Kirby diese Fähigkeit nur für ein Level.
- The term UFO stands for "Unidentified Flying Object". This type of aircraft are really fast and they are some of the best aircraft in the game. They are really handy in bombing missions and long-range attacks. They are VTOL, so they can be used in any ship properly equipped with an Heliport.
* Heliport
- Unidentifed Flying Object (aka UFO) is a term used to discribe any flying object that can not be identifed. The term is mostly used in relation to space craft used by Extraterrestrials or Military experimental craft.
- UFOs are spaceships from outer space, that think Mini Miis are cute. Because of this, they have tried many times to kidnap them, as shown in Wii Play, however every time this happens, the Mii Creator goes out to stop the UFOs from kidnapping the Mini Miis. There are two types of UFOs: Normal UFOs, and Golden UFOs, that move faster and give more points
- thumb|right|200px|Atak UFO z Jowisza na Marsa. Na Ziemię najprawdopodobniej nie zaatakują, gdyż wiadomo, iż Amerykanie zawrzą z nimi sojusz. UFO (Uwaga Obserwujemy Frajerów lub Usuwamy Frajerów Ogniem) - pojazd, którym poruszają się kosmici. To taki jakby duży dysk zrobiony z plastiku i gumy.
- UFO ist die zwölfte Folge der ersten Staffel. Kategorie:Staffel 1
- UFOs, which stands for Unidentified Flying Objects, are common conspiracy lore. UFO can be anything from weather balloons, military aircraft or even possibly spaceships.
- UFO, ΑΤΙΑ - Είναι υποθετικά εξωγήινα αντικείμενα.
- UFO is an English heavy metal and hard rock band that was formed in 1969. UFO became a transitional group between early hard rock and heavy metal and the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. UFO were ranked No. 84 on VH1's "100 Greatest Artists of Hard Rock".
- UFO是一首初次於《太鼓の達人5》登場的日本流行音樂。
- thumb|Eine Amateuraufnahme eines UFOs. Ein Unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt (Oder auch Unbekanntes Flugobjekt, kurz: UFO, auch Fliegende Untertasse genannt) bezeichnet einen fliegenden Gegenstand, dessen Herkunft unbekannt ist. Oft kommen diese Objekte in Science-Fiction-Romanen vor. Wird einmal ein echtes UFO gesichtet, bei dem es sich um ein fremdes Raumschiff handeln könnte, so ist es zumindest auf der Erde vor dem Erstkontakt mit fremden Spezies üblich, das UFO als Fälschung, Lichterscheinung oder etwas Harmloses wie einen Wetterballon zu erklären. (TOS: )
- Als UFO wird ein Bild bezeichnet, welches sich in unkontrollierten Bewegungen über die Howrse-Seite bewegt. Man kann versuchen, auf ein Ufo zu klicken um eine Geschenk zu erhalten. Dabei bewegt sich immer das Bild des Objektes, welches man auch gewinnen kann, über den Bildschirm. Ufos fliegen durch Zufall über die Seite, es gibt keine Seite auf der immer ein Ufo zu finden ist. Wenn man ein Ufo erwischen möchte, sollte man darauf achten, nicht auf einen Link zu klicken, da damit die Seite neu geladen und das Ufo thumb|50px
- UFO (シーカー, Seeker, in Japan) is an enemy that appears in Bomberman 64. It is designed to repel intruders from the Black Fortress. It moves very slowly and aimlessly, flying high above the ground and thus evading both Bomberman and explosions. If Bomberman comes too close, UFO will stop and fire a laser directly beneath itself. The laser will harm Bomberman and detonate bombs on collision.
- UFO Pojawia się w odcinku „Bliskie spotkania 6 stopnia". Świadkiem lądowania pojazdu obcej cywilizacji jest dziadek Jacek. Ma to miejsce w Rembertowie, dokąd udał się dziadek na jesienny spacer swoim wózkiem inwalidzkim. Na poboczu zobaczył dwóch takich, którzy dawali znaki, aby się zatrzymał. Kiedy dziadek zatrzymał wózek, myśląc, że to drogówka, tajemniczy osobnicy wskoczyli do pojazdu. Dziadek na wyraźne żądanie skręcił do lasu, na polanie ujrzał wiszący w powietrzu tramwaj. Wiszący na wysokości 10 metrów tramwaj nie miał numerów, co wywołało podejrzenia dziadka Jacka, że to może zjazd do zajezdni. Po podjechaniu do kosmicznego tramwaju osobnicy odmówili uiszczenia zwyczajowej zapłaty za podwiezienie. Dziadek lekko zdenerwowany złapał jednego z osobników za kołnierz i rzekł: Spokojnie,
- "Minden UFO, ami fénylik", tartja a köz mondása. Az eredetileg "Azonosítatlan Repülő Tárgy" mozaikszót a szabatos fogalmazást szembeköpve minden Önképzett Szakértő egyöntetűleg a Földönkívüliekre használja, bár a kifejezés nem ezt jelenti. A jelentése: repül ott valami és nem tudom, mi az. Földönkívüli eredetű objektumon kívül lehet még műhold, meteor, üstökös, repülőgép, madár, rovar, porszem a lencsén, stb.
- Location: UFO Opponent: Zorgulon x 3 1. Upper and Lower levels have laser cannons guarding pickups, except for those on elevators. 2. Dotted lines represent walkway spanning upper level between elevators. See Map Notes for further info. Destruction of UFO will yield between 5,000-7,000 Battle Tokens. Like Club Caldera, the upper level has squadron of UFOs on patrol. The UFOs and cannons are present in Adventure mode only. This is also an unlockable level that can be purchased for 105,000 Battle Tokens.
- thumb|270px|De vliegende schotels komen in vrede.Een UFO is een ongeïdentificeerd vliegend object, oftewel in het Engelse "unidentified flying object", waar dit de afkorting van is. Deze term kan verwijzen naar eender welk fenomeen dat in de lucht wordt waargenomen en waarvan de aard op dat moment niet kan worden vastgesteld. Vanaf het moment dat het object wel kan worden geïdentificeerd, is het bijgevolg niet meer "ongeïdentificeerd" en dus ook geen UFO meer.
- On June 30, 1908, Tunguska tribesmen and Russian fur traders looked up into the southeastern Siberian sky and saw a fireball streaking to Earth. When it hit the atmosphere, it created a series of cataclysmic explosions that, even in November 1996, was still considered to be the largest single cosmic event in the history of the human civilization. The power of the blast leveled trees in a radial pattern for 2000 kilometers.
- A Unidentified Flying Object, also named Flying Saucers or Flying Discs; or simply abbreviated as UFO, is called any apparent anomaly in the sky that isn't identifiable as a known object or phenomenon. The UFOs are related to the extraterrestrials, or rather, the Interdimensional beings and the Horned beings, with UFOs being the travel vehicles of that beings to travel between dimensions. For example, these devices served the beings to reach the planet Earth and thus initiate various civilizations, such as, for example, the Ugha and the Atlantis.
- An unidentified flying object, or UFO, is any apparent flying object which cannot be identified by the observer and which remains unidentified after investigation. The term flying saucer is also sometimes used. Often a UFO is used to refer to a spacecraft of an alien life form. Once a UFO is identified as a known object (for example an aircraft or weather balloon), it ceases to be classified as a UFO and is reclassified as an identified object.
- An acronym that stands for: Unidentified Flying Object 1.
* space craft that ferries illegal alines across the border of America's Planet. It does not mean it is a flying spaceship harbouring a lot of almond-eyed aliens; it just means it is an unidentified, flying object. A banana peel, painted blue and with pebbles glued to it becomes a very nice UFO once you've thrown it into the air. Well, unidentified to others.
- UFO is a powerful ability that offers permanent levitation and four different attacks. The type of attack UFO Kirby does is based on how long the player holds down B. The longer it's pressed, the stronger the attack will be. Kirby is capable of moving around while charging, but cannot change the direction he is facing. UFO's main limitation is that Kirby cannot go back down through floors while having the ability, even with ladders.
- rightUFO to tajemnicze statki kosmiczne pojawiające się w specjalnych poziomach z gry Sonic CD. W tej grze pojawiają się dwa typy takich pojazdów. Fioletowy z żółtymi paskami - zniszczenie go odejmuje jedno UFO z licznika oraz niebieski w czerwone paski. Niebieska odmiana pojawia się gdy na zegarze zostanie 20 sekund. Nie wiadomo kto je stworzył ani po co.
- Set ten years in the future (1980), a race of aliens from a dying planet make individual attacks on the Earth in order to harvest human organs. SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation), a covert operation hidden under the Harlington-Straker Studios movie studios in England and headed by Commander Ed Straker who is a former United States Air Force Colonel and astronaut, who poses as the studio's chief executive.
- UFO(日語:UFO)或作不明飛行物、不明飛行物體、幽浮等,因為常常都是圓盤形,所以有時與飛碟(日語:円盤;空飛ぶ円盤)一詞通用,是指疑似宇宙的生物到地球探訪的宇宙交通工具,在《哆啦A夢》中時常提到這種的飛行器。
* 〈宇宙人之家〉中,大家以為一間房屋是宇宙人的家,會有飛碟出沒,原來只是用作電視特效的遙控模型。
* 在〈hello宇宙人〉中,出現了UFO迷的円番先生,小夫曾經跟他謊報看到幽浮而被他請吃冰。後來大雄和哆啦A夢製造了火星人,因此有真正的UFO來還被小夫拍到照片,後來小夫照片被認為是假的。
* 〈假宇宙人〉中,小夫胖虎用假的飛碟照片騙大雄,結果哆啦A夢拿出假宇宙人和飛碟嚇他們。
* 〈未知遭遇機〉中,大雄用道具召來了遙遠星的飛碟。
* 〈紙模型大暴動〉中,用了道具紙工作本作了大型的飛碟玩具。
* 《大雄的宇宙開拓史》中,小夫胖虎在拍的電影中有出現飛碟接近地球。
* 〈用機會相機拍獨家照片〉中,機會相機的作用,讓大雄不小心拍到的夫妻打架盤子飛出來的場面看起來像UFO。
* 〈訓獸手套〉中,大雄為了用道具摸胖虎的下顎,就驫他說有UFO出現。
* 在〈未來的城市只剩一人〉中大雄到22世紀看到很多UFO在飛還攻擊他,後來才知是立體侵略者遊戲中的畫面。
* 在〈主角交換機〉中,小夫參加臨時演出的節目超級男孩中出現燈飾型UFO(シャンデリア型UFO)
* 在〈漂浮黏土〉中小夫用該黏土作了一個UFO。
* 在〈找土龍〉中,大家在空地聊天時有人說看過飛碟。
* 《大雄與雲之王國》中,天上世界用的交通工具為飛碟型,又因為他們與宇宙人有來往,所以在夜空可看到UFO。
* 《大雄與動物行星》中尼姆格的交通工具亦為飛碟。
* 〈偷看的妖怪〉中,章魚型外星人最後搭飛碟離去。
- Ein UFO ist ein 1.
* unidentifizierbares fleischartiges Objekt: UFOs trifft man gelegentlich in Restaurants wie McDonalds oder Burger King an 2.
* unidentifizierbares Flugobjekt: meist untertassenförmiges Fluggerät von Außerirdischen