| - The elder brother of Chris, Wyatt would be the more privilaged of the brothers. He would manipulate their parents into favoring him over Chris and used that to get everything he ever wanted. Wyatt would excel in witchcraft and eventually get his hands on the magical sword, Excalibur, which greatly aguments his powers. During the Zangyack's first invasion of Earth, Wyatt and Chris would lose their families in that inital attack. He would leave the Earth to join the Red Pirate Gang, unlike Chris who becomes a cadet with SPD. Wyatt would become close to Jade who would think of him as a brother and to Angelus with the Alpha Vampire manipulating the young man into becoming loyal to the Zangyack. After a year, Wyatt would leave the pirates suddenly without any explanation. Like Angelus, Wyatt would betray those closest to him to earn sway with the Empire. He would weaken the defeneses of the SPD Superme Headquarters to crush the Empire's enemy and even allowed Chris to become a slave for the Empire. Wyatt would become a lieutenant for the Empire where he'd become a member of the Emperor's Inner Circle, eventually meeting Yahweh and becoming aware of his true identity as a fallen Celestial. Wyatt would be sent to Earth by the Emperor to assist his daughter in dealing with the Rangers. He would duel his brother and kidnap Tomas where he'd reveal some of his true intentions to the prince, which is to help the Rangers achieve their full potential so that they could defeat the Empire. After being subdued from the arrival of the Silver Ranger, Wyatt would briefly display his Celestial abilities before leaving the battlefield.