| - Virgil Earp ist ein Mensch des 19. Jahrhunderts. Er ist der Marshal von Dodge City in Kansas und kommt im Oktober 1881 nach Tombstone, um seinen Bruder Wyatt in einem Konflikt mit den Clanton-Brüdern zu unterstützen. Gemeinsam mit Wyatt und Doc Holliday nimmt an der Schießerei am O. K. Corral teil.
- During the gunfight at the O.K. Corral in October 1881, Virgil, Wyatt and Doc Holliday killed the Clanton brothers and Johnny Ringo. (TV: The Gunfighters)
- While in Tombstone, Earp was involved in the famous Gunfight at the OK Corral on October 26, 1881 with several "cowboys". Centuries later, the Melkot people recreated Earp and Tombstone to punish Captain James T. Kirk, Mr. Spock, Doctor Leonard McCoy, and Engineer Montgomery Scott for trespassing on their planet. Kirk refused to kill the recreation of Earp, and impressed the Melkot, who invited the USS Enterprise to visit their planet. (TOS episode: "Spectre of the Gun", TOS novelization: The Last Gunfight)
- Virgil Walter Earp (July 18, 1843 – October 19, 1905) was the older brother of Wyatt Earp, and participated in the storied October 26, 1881 "Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" in the town of Tombstone, Arizona Territory. In December 1881, a gunshot wound from an unknown assailant cost him the use of his left arm. He spent most his life in law enforcement, but he did try his hand at a variety of careers. He served with the United States Army during the American Civil War.
- Virgil Earp was a 19th century town marshal in Earth's Ancient West and older brother to Wyatt and Morgan Earp. He fought alongside his brothers and Doc Holliday against members of the Clanton-McLowery gang in the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral in Tombstone, Arizona on October 26, 1881. This brief feud ended with the deaths of Frank and Tom McLowery and Billy Clanton. Virgil Earp was played by actor Charles Maxwell.
- Virgil Walter Earp (July 18, 1843 – October 19, 1905) was a veteran of the American Civil War and was a Deputy U.S. Marshal for south-eastern Arizona Territory and Tombstone City Marshal at the time of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral, in October 1881. Two months after that shootout, outlaw Cowboys ambushed Virgil on the streets of Tombstone, shattering his left arm, leaving him maimed for life. His brother Morgan Earp was assassinated in March 1882 and Virgil left Tombstone for Colton, California, to live with his parents and recuperate.
- Virgil Earp était un homme de loi au 19ème siècle en Amérique du Nord sur Terre. Avec ses frères Wyatt et Morgan, et Doc Holliday, il affronta les membres du gang Clanton-McLowery dans la fameuse fusillade d'O.K. Corral à Tombstone, Arizona le 26 octobre 1881. Ce règlement de comptes se solda par la mort de Frank McLowery, Tom McLowery et Billy Clanton. (Réalité extrapolée *)