Derange is a two-man noise/drone project from Montgomery, Alabama.
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| - Derange is a two-man noise/drone project from Montgomery, Alabama.
- One of the earliest known emoticons, the popularity of ~ (pronounced "TILL-day" but more often called "twiddles" or simply "squiggly thing I never need to type") peaked among the fishing villages along the western coast of Atlantis during the time of the Porpoise Horror, and has been in steady use ever since. The earliest recorded instance of ~ shall be found in 2012 in Peru, carved beneath a relief sculpture of a weasel adorning a porcelain commode dated 1066BC. This intrinsic mysteriousness ensures that the current chief use is mainly as a linguistic device employed by annoying people to make themselves feel smug.
- ~ (spoken as "bold tilde") is the name applied to the unofficial coalition of alliances that fought against the Unjust Highway during the Unjust War. The following is a list of members, divided into their respective blocs and treaty groups.
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| - Derange is a two-man noise/drone project from Montgomery, Alabama.
- One of the earliest known emoticons, the popularity of ~ (pronounced "TILL-day" but more often called "twiddles" or simply "squiggly thing I never need to type") peaked among the fishing villages along the western coast of Atlantis during the time of the Porpoise Horror, and has been in steady use ever since. The earliest recorded instance of ~ shall be found in 2012 in Peru, carved beneath a relief sculpture of a weasel adorning a porcelain commode dated 1066BC. This intrinsic mysteriousness ensures that the current chief use is mainly as a linguistic device employed by annoying people to make themselves feel smug.
- ~ (spoken as "bold tilde") is the name applied to the unofficial coalition of alliances that fought against the Unjust Highway during the Unjust War. The following is a list of members, divided into their respective blocs and treaty groups.
* File:NpOFlag7.jpg New Polar Order
* File:MCXA Flag.png Multicolored Cross-X Alliance
* File:GDAwikiflag.jpg Global Democratic Alliance
* File:Shadowhoodnew.jpg The Shadowhood
* File:SOULFlag.jpg Sentinels of Unity and Liberty
* File:Ocuk flag small.jpg Overclockers UK
* File:NuevaVidaFlag1.gif Nueva Vida
* File:Lippucopybg9.png Finnish Cooperation Organization
* File:Novplainpeace.png Norden Verein
* File:IXLogo.png Iron Cross
* File:PoCFlagRed2.gif Protectorate of Curland
* File:Flag2new6yu9.png Order of the Sword
* File:IRON.svg Independent Republic of Orange Nations
* File:Odnnewflag.png ODN
* File:LegionFlag.png Legion
* File:Flag of Sparta.svg Sparta
* File:Ggaflag8.png Grand Global Alliance
* File:Gatoflag2.png Global Alliance and Treaty Organization
* File:MHAFlag Second.jpg Mostly Harmless Alliance
* File:Atlantisflag.png Atlantis
* File:Nato flag.jpg North Atlantic Treaty Organization
* File:CON2.svg Confederation of Organized Nations
* File:Flag of the Siberian Tiger Alliance.svg Siberian Tiger Alliance
* File:CISMainGreenP5.png Confederacy of Independent States
* File:Illuminati.gif Illuminati
* File:Unitedpurplenationsflag.jpg United Purple Nations
* File:ONOSflag.jpg Organized Nations of Superiority
* File:Mdcflag.png Maroon Defense Coalition
* File:TWD.jpg The White Delegation
* File:The brigade flag.png The Brigade
* File:Impflagjpeg.JPG Imperial Assault Alliance
* File:Wolf Pack RED.jpg Wolfpack
* File:Grflag2.jpg Greenland Republic
* File:Fearflag.jpg Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics
* File:Tabflagns3.png The Aquatic Brotherhood
* File:IMUwarflag.jpg Imperial Military Union
* File:MASHbattleflag.png Mighty Armed States of Honor
* File:NTOflag.png Northern Treaty Organization
* File:UnknownFlag.png General Any Topic-International Treaty for Economic Conquest
* File:UnknownFlag.png Dark Nations Association
* File:VEflag.png Viridian Entente (Reformation)
* File:Plusbanner.gif Protection and Liberation of United States
* File:AiD.jpg Alliance of International Defence
* File:NOIwar.jpg New Order of Independence
* File:Botsflag1.jpg Brotherhood of The Storm
* File:DUAL.jpg Defenders of Unity And Light
* File:CGN.jpg Commonwealth of Great Nations
* File:Hog2.jpg Heroes of Gaming
* File:Mafiaflag2.png The Mafia
* File:ByzantineEmpireFlag.png Byzantine Empire
* File:ICON.jpg Independent Coalition of Nations
* File:Cseflag.png Crimson Sun Empire
* File:KE1.jpg Klingon Empire
* File:Manowarriors.jpg ManOwaRriorS
* File:Flag4.GIF Veritas Aquitas
* File:Cyberwiki4.png Azure Empire