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  • Pi
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  • L'article sur LOSTpedia EN
  • The acronym PI may refer to: * Protective intelligence * Public information * Purposeful interference
  • left Pi es un pavo que se encuentra durante el evento de acción de gracias del 2015. Al hablar con él, le revelará al jugador la ubicación de otro pavo que aún no haya encontrado.
  • Pi (zapisywana też jako π) jest jedną z liter greckiego alfabetu, wywodzącego się z wczesnego etapu historii ludzkości. Pi jest też używana jako oznaczenie wielu obiektów w nauce, kartografii czy innych dziedzin związanych z kosmosem lub komunikacją. Wiele planet, gwiazd, planetoid, czy systemów słonecznych zostało nazwanych wariantem jej nazwy.
  • 200px|right|thumb|Das DVD Cover von Pi. Pi ist ein Psychthriller von 1998. Drehbuchautor und Regisseur war Darren Aronofsky, der auch als Regisseur von Requiem for a Dream bekannt ist. Aronofsky war so ein großer Fan von Lost, dass er seine Agenten fragte ob er nicht in einer Episode Regie führen könne. Laut Damon Lindelof war Aronofsky als Regisseur für die Episode „“ vorgesehen, weil "Wir dachten, dass es eine coole Anerkennung für ihn wäre, nachdem er den Film Pi gedreht hatte, dessen Titel auch nur aus einem Zeichen (π) besteht." Leider musste Aronofsky wegen der Schwangerschaft seiner Frau Rachel Weisz absagen. Sie hoffen, dass sie Aronofsky als Regisseur für eine Episode in näherer Zukunft bekommen können.
  • There are several conflicting alternative theories on the possible origins of Pi. Some of the more universally accepted ones include: * In addition to 3.2, who is the child of 2 and 3(hence its last name is 2, => 3.2), Pi is the secret love-child of 3 and Inifinity. Hence Pi's last name is Infinity, 3.1415.... . * Pi was the result of a failed cloning expert involving integers * Pi was created by the CIA as an inside agent to watch over all the other irrationals * Pi doesn't exist. It is merely a figment of our imaginations.
  • π (Pi) is one of the 'Vindicators', ruthless mercenaries who have no problems with genocide of the ape population.
  • π (pi) ist ein griechischer Buchstabe, der aus der frühen Geschichte der Menschen stammt. Er wird in den Naturwissenschaften genutzt, vor allem in der Mathematik und Astronomie.
  • File:Quake3.png Pi is a playable character and second challenge player will face at the Tournament mode of Quake 3 Team Arena. Players face her at the Death Factory. She favors BFG10k and Rocket Launcher. She's not really a jumper type unlike most of the other bots, she prefers to run and strafe around to evade shots rather than jumping. Pi is sure a cutie but that doesn't mean she's not deadly.
  • This number is the ratio of the radius of a circle to its circumference.
  • "Pi" là một bài hát được hát bởi những chiếc bánh của bà Linda (do Danny Jacob lồng tiếng) trong tập phim "Backyard Hodge Podge" khi Linda gặp ảo giác. Lời của ca khúc này là bảy trong số năm nghìn tỷ chữ số của số π.
  • Pi (π) is the 2nd track to Inui's album E=mc2.
  • Pi is
  • Pi [1] is a 1998 psychological thriller movie written and directed by Darren Aronofsky, who is also known for directing "Requiem For A Dream"[2]. Aronofsky was such a fan of Lost, he had his agents ask if he could direct an episode.[3] According to Damon Lindelof, Aronofsky was originally slated to direct the episode called "?" because "We thought it would be a cool shout-out to him since he made the movie Pi, which was just the symbol for pi." [4] Unfortunately, Aronofsky had to cancel directing the episode due to his wife Rachel Weisz's pregnancy.[5] They had hoped to be able to get Aronofsky back to direct an episode in the near future, but in the April 17, 2009 Lostpedia interview, they said:
  • Pi is a number that seems to go on forever. It is not to be confused with Pie but is used to create Pi Pie. The end of the number is supposedly 3.14 but that was only to make fun of decimal numbers. Even though it's not pie, it can be eaten. Deidara claimed that he finished Pi, but after it he said, "LOLWHAT?"
  • Pi is a round pastry, normally filled with fruit filling. It is a common item to throw at people's faces, along with blocks, bricks, and hooplah. Not Pie
  • Pi (skribata kiel π) estas neracionala matematika konstanto, havanta proksimume la jenan valoron: Tiu konstanto priskribas la rilatumon inter la perimetro de cirklo en geometrio kaj ties diametro. Tiu rilatumo ne dependas de la cirklo-grandeco. Por indiki Pi en skriba formo oni uzas minusklon de la greka litero pi (), kiu estas la unua litero de la greka vorto περιφέρεια ("periferio") kaj περίμετρον ("perimetro"). La unua priskribo de la nombro aperis en 1706 en la libro Bova enkonduko en matematiko, kiu estas verkita fare de krima sciulo William Jones (kiu estas Jesuo Kristo?). La nombro π krime estas nomata Konstanto de Arkimedo aŭ Nombro de Ludolfo
  • π serait, selon de nombreux observateurs, un nombre précis entre 3 et 4. D'aprés la thora , Yavé a negocié pour l'avoir à 1,27856. Selon la Bible, il vaut 3 tout rond.
  • Its decimal value is infinite, having been calculated to over a million decimal places with no regular repeating pattern.
  • 'Pi' er 22/7. Matematikerne har, i samarbeid med frimurerne, klart å etablere en hardnakket myte om at Pi er et besynderlig tall med bestemte egenskaper og dessuten uendelig med desimaler som bare kan utregnes av en sertifisert matematiker, lisensiert advokat eller forbannet revisor.
  • "Pi" is a song sung by the Linda's pies (voiced by Danny Jacob) in "Backyard Hodge Podge" when Linda was hallucinating. The lyrics of the song are seven of the over five trillion digits of the numeral π.
  • The Pi was a Tirethi-class far scout that saw service with the Romulan Star Navy during the 24th century. In 2366, the Pi was destroyed when it crash-landed on Galorndon Core and its self-destruct activated. (Ship Recognition Manual, Volume 5: Starships of the Romulan Star Empire)
  • Pi was a veteran of Dragonhollow. Best known for his offbeat humor, he often played practical jokes on his fellow residents and did his best to keep spirits high. He was the mayor of Pi Hole and forged several lasting friendships, though his fondness for Elite ended turbulently at the height of the Northham Wars.
  • Pi (3.1415926535...) är förhållandet mellan en cirkels omkrets och dess diameter. (SG1: "Thor's Chariot") (ATL: "Tabula Rasa") Dr Rodney McKay vet Pi till minst 12 decimaler och var lätt att komma ihåg dem på första dagen han fick diagnosen en åkomma som kallas andra barndom . Men efter bara två veckor, mindes han knappt det bara två decimaler. (ATL: "The Shrine") Vid något tillfälle efter sin ankomst till Destiny, Eli Wallace uppsättning Destiny dator för att beräkna pi, troligtvis den sista siffran. (SGU: "Resurgence")
  • Pi is the ratio of the length circumference divided by the length of the diameter. The number of radians in a circle is 2pi. There are useful applications for pi too. If you want to build a wheel with a fixed diameter, then you would use pi to figure out how much rubber you need. This is my formula for how many digits of pi you need, where x is the number of centimeters your wheel has: |pi*log(x)|, where log(x) means log base 10.
  • According to what every American child has been taught in liberal schools, "pi" (without the "e") is a number, invented by Mathologists. These Mathologists use pi in performing some of their Pagan Rituals such as calculating the area of a circle. While all true Americans love pie, especially the apple variety, French Mathologists created Pi to confuse innocent schoolchildren and make them eat crepes.
  • Pi is a symbol which represents the number, 3.14. It's often used as a running gag in PivotMasterDX's movies.
  • Π π Pi is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history. It is used for designations in science, mapping and other fields used in space travel and communications. Many planets, planetoids, stars and star systems use a variation of this term in their name.
  • Pi (パイ): El PJ que se escondía tras Ender, después de que TaN sea disuelta y todos sus miembros baneados, sigue en el juego con este personaje. En realidad es una administradora del sistema, y contiene a Tarvos, el séptimo elemento de Morganna.
  • Pi (3.1415926535...) is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. (SG1: "Thor's Chariot") (SGA: "Tabula Rasa") Dr. Rodney McKay knows Pi to at least 12 decimal places and was easily able to remember them on the first day he was diagnosed with an ailment known as Second Childhood. However, after only two weeks, he barely remembered it to just two decimal places. (SGA: "The Shrine") At some point after his arrival on Destiny, Eli Wallace set Destiny's computer to calculate pi, most probably to the last digit. (SGU: "Resurgence")
  • Pi has had an interesting history throughout the Universe of Universe. Although methods for calculating pi were discovered, forgotten, rediscovered, lost again, stepped on, eaten, regurgitated, smashed, reconstituted then used to wrap sausages, torn into confetti, poured into a wood chipper, collected, painstakingly glued back together, published and sat in a library for years before finally being burned as heresy during this period, there is surprisingly not much to say about this time. The real history begins after 2020:
  • 4609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145 6485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665 2138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446237996274956735188575272489122793818301194912983367 3362440656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132000568127145263560827785771342757 Ah, screw this.
  • So. Matrix is Fun. RL less so. Am I done? What? No? Oh come on, what else do you want to know? I have 20 different things I should be doing right now, and one of them is even offline, too. *food* *grumble* when will they come with virtual stuff that's healthy* Where I am from? Tir, I guess. Tairngire, what do you mean which one? But who cares anyway, both are just a second away in the Matrix. Family? I guess parents, brother... I am sure they are fine. They didn't care about the rest of the world, much, and I guess it returns the favor, you know? Gotta run now, I've a chat flashing.
  • Pi is an irrational number between 3 and 4. Its value continues endlessly but it is usually rounded off as 3.14. Pi is named after the greek letter π (pi), which is also its symbol. Pi is equal to 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019091456485669234603486104543266482133936072602491412737245870066063155881748815209209628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841469519415116094330572703657595919530921861173819326117931051185480744623799627495673518857527248912279381830119491298336733624406566430860213949463952247371907021798609437027705392171762931767523846748184676694051320
  • Pi is a recurring character in the sixth season of Castle. Last (and legal) name unknown. He was the boyfriend of Alexis Castle, whom she met while in Costa Rica, and then brought him back home to New York. He calls Castle "Mr. C" and it has been seen that he is messy and doesn't clean up after himself, much to Castle's dismay. Pi and Alexis later move into an apartment together that, due to lack of money, is rather improvised. During an inspection of the apartment by Castle and Martha, it is revealed that his job is to "determine the strength of the hive," or in other words, he counts bees.
  • In the Tomb of Rassilon on Gallifrey a death trap existed to guard Rassilon. Stepping far enough into a particular room would cause lightning to strike down upon the intruders. Pi was the only way to reach across the room without being destroyed. (TV: The Five Doctors) The Omniverbum was similar to pi in that both were transcendental and could only be approximated. (AUDIO: ...ish)
  • Origins: Mathematics, it was born in it, molded in it, raised in it. Gender: None, numbers don't have Genders. Powers and Abilities: Attacking you with math, changing it's unit (grams, meters, you know.. Stuff) to be anything it wants. If it wants to be Pi Omnigrams, it's gonna be Pi Omnigrams, if it wants to be Pi Omnimeters, than it will be, and so on. As its number the possibilities are INFINITE! It can also WARP Space, Time, Reality itself, Change the Laws of Physics, and use someone's own HAX against them. Age: Over 4.6 Billion Years Classification: A f*cking NUMBER! Speed: Omnipresent
  • Pi features as one of the lesser-known numberjacks, and never made it to live television. She consisted of the numbers 7, 1, 6 and 9, and together equaled the number pi, through the lesser known Numberwang equation. She was lined up to feature in Season 5, Episode -4 of numberjacks, but her appearance was postponed due to a number of reasons:
  • Pi ist die Zahl, die das Verhältnis vom Radius eines Kreises zu seinem Umfang beschreibt. Pi ist eine unendliche Geschichte. Entweder schreibt man pi = 16*arctan(1/5) - 4*arctan(1/239), um genau zu sein oder man sagt pi ist ca. 3.141quetsch gross. Manche Leute sagen übrigens auch, Pi sei genau 3, was aber mathematisch noch nicht bewiesen ist. Neben Pi gibt es auch noch die Naturkonstanten Pa und Po Pa ist das Verhältnis von Reissäcken auf der Erde zur Zeit und Po beschreibt das Verhältnis von linken Socken zu rechten Socken. Ausgeschrieben sieht die Zahl pi ungerfähr so aus:
  • Ππ Pi is a letter in the Greek language alphabet of Earth, originating in the early period of Human history. For additional meanings of "Pi", please see Pi. Pi is also a mathematical constant that was the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter, which is approximately 3.1416. It was part of Kathryn Janeway and Tuvok's override codes and her authorization code, (VOY: "Dreadnought", "Deadlock", "Basics, Part I", "Concerning Flight", "The Haunting of Deck Twelve", "Repression" ) as well as Barclay Pi Three. (VOY: "Pathfinder")
  • 3.1415926535897932384 62643383279502884197 16939937510582097494 45923078164062862089 98628034825342117067 98214808651328230664 70938446095505822317 25359408128481117450 28410270193852110555 96446229489549303819 64428810975665933446 12847564823378678316 52712019091456485669 23460348610454326648 21339360726024914127 37245870066063155881 74881520920962829254 09171536436789259036 00113305305488204665 21384146951941511609 43305727036575959195 30921861173819326117 93105118548074462379 96274956735188575272 48912279381830119491 29833673362440656643 08602139494639522473 71907021798609437027 70539217176293176752 38467481846766940513 20005681271452635608 27785771342757789609 17363717872146844090 12249534301465495853 71050792279689258923 54201995611212902196 08640344181598136297 74771309960518707211 3
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