| - Doppelgang is a Green Tech used in Chrono Cross. Once Sprigg is recruited in the Temporal Vortex, she automatically joins outfitted with this Tech. Throughout her travels, she can collect enemies in the Forget-Me-Not Pot, at which point, they are added to a collection or pool. Any character can trap enemies to be used for Doppelgang, so long as they have the Pot equipped as an accessory. This tech allows Sprigg to transform into one of those previously collected enemies, mimicking their stats, their Elements, their strengths, and their weaknesses. Most enemies are trappable, ranging from Acacia PVT to YellowBelly. Even Ozzie, Flea, and Slash can be Doppelganged, after being captured in the Bend of Time, in a New Game Plus game save. The enemies acquired are also needed for the Grand Slam tournament, which is necessary for recruiting the Demi-human rabbit, Janice. Sprigg can select the exact creature she would like to transform into before the Tech is performed. Additionally, the creatures kept in the pool for her Dopplegang tech determine the randomly summoned monsters that appear in Korcha's seventh-level tech, BigCatch.