| - thumb|250pxDie Grind Rails oder auch nur Rails (dt. Schienen) sind Objekte aus der Sonic the Hedgehog Serie. Auf ihnen kann der Spieler mit dem Charakter grinden, um so zu anderen Ebenen zu kommen. Das Design der Grind Rails variiert von Stage zu Stage, da sie dem Aussehen dieser angepasst werden.
- The Grind Rail, also known as the rail, is a recurring gimmick in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a certain type of rail that allow playable characters to jump onto and grind down them to reach new areas. The designs of the grind rails have vary from stage to stage in order to suit the local theme.
- Kid Icarus: Uprising is the only game in the Kid Icarus series containing grind rails, however, they play a very important role in many levels. In Chapter 16: The Aurum Hive, the player must face the boss of the level, the Aurum Generator, solely on three grind rails which they can jump from one to the other. The Aurum Generator will attack Pit while he is on the grind rails so moving around is a good strategy, which is described by Palutena in the game. However, there is an unlockable item that can be obtained by defeating the boss by not swirching from rail to rail.
| - thumb|250pxDie Grind Rails oder auch nur Rails (dt. Schienen) sind Objekte aus der Sonic the Hedgehog Serie. Auf ihnen kann der Spieler mit dem Charakter grinden, um so zu anderen Ebenen zu kommen. Das Design der Grind Rails variiert von Stage zu Stage, da sie dem Aussehen dieser angepasst werden.
- The Grind Rail, also known as the rail, is a recurring gimmick in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a certain type of rail that allow playable characters to jump onto and grind down them to reach new areas. The designs of the grind rails have vary from stage to stage in order to suit the local theme.
- Kid Icarus: Uprising is the only game in the Kid Icarus series containing grind rails, however, they play a very important role in many levels. In Chapter 16: The Aurum Hive, the player must face the boss of the level, the Aurum Generator, solely on three grind rails which they can jump from one to the other. The Aurum Generator will attack Pit while he is on the grind rails so moving around is a good strategy, which is described by Palutena in the game. However, there is an unlockable item that can be obtained by defeating the boss by not swirching from rail to rail.