Attributes | Values |
| - Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane Vol 1 8
| - * It is possible that the island of Amazons from "Queen For A Day", may in fact be Paradise Island - the home of [[W:C:DC:Diana of Paradise Island
| - Kurt Schaffenberger
- Stan Kaye
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| - Kurt Schaffenberger
- Stan Kaye
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| - Kurt Schaffenberger
- Wayne Boring
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| - Queen for a Day
- The Ugly Superman
- The Superwoman of Metropolis
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| - Kurt Schaffenberger
- Wayne Boring
| - Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
* None
Other Characters:
* Ugly Superman
* None
* None
- Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
* None
Other Characters:
* None
* None
- Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
* Knuckles Roarke
Other Characters:
* None
* None
* None
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| - * Lois Lane article at Wikipedia
* Lois Lane article at Supermanica
* Lois Lane series index at the Grand Comics Database
* Lois Lane series index at Mike's Amazing World of DC Comics
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| - Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane
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| - 3.15576E8
- Lois Lane and Clark Kent are about to embark on a cruise that is the stage for the Annual American Newspaper Writers Convention. Part of the festivities include a costume contest and scavenger hunt. While Lois dresses up as Mars, the God of War/Miss Daily Planet, Clark dresses up as Superman. As they are looking for clue, Lois suggests they look in one of the life boats. As they are looking the support ropes break free and the waters carry them away from the cruise ship. With the ship out of sight, Clark rows them to a nearby island.
On the island, Clark begins stuffing SOS notes into coconuts and throwing them out into the sea in the hopes that someone will come and rescue them. Lois laments about how long it could take for them to be rescued and wishes Superman were around as he would save them in an instant. Exploring the island, Clark finds a sword embedded in stone and easily pulls it out. He quickly sticks it back in when Lois comes running with an army of warrior women behind her. To their shock, the women begin bowing before Lois and praising her as their ancient and legendary Amazonian queen. They tell her if she can pull the sword out of the stone she will be their queen. Unaware that Clark had loosened it when he pulled it out earlier, Lois is easily able to remove the stone, and the Amazon women praise Lois as their queen and leader.
When the women attempt to slay Clark, Lois stays their hand, not wishing her friend to be harmed. The Amazon women look to Lois to use her magic sword to get rid of a whale that has been attacking their fishing boats. As Lois goes to deal with the creature, Clark secretly uses his powers as Superman to send the whale packing, reaffirming to the Amazon women that Lois is their true leader. Next Lois is asked to prevent a volcano from erupting, a task that Lois seemingly accomplishes thanks to the secret intervention of Superman.
Telling the Amazons that she must go, they say that she has to return the sword to the stone and make it so nobody can remove it for another century. This task is also accomplished by the secret assistance of Superman. While the Amazon women and Lois are distracted by the sword, Superman uses his super-breath to blow one of his SOS coconuts onto the deck of a nearby Naval vessel. When the soldiers come to rescue them, Clark takes Lois back to the sword to discredit her belief that the sword was magic by secretly deflecting a lightning bolt off his chest and making it strike the stone, leaving Lois to believe that it was a lightning strike that loosened the sword to begin with. On their way back to Metropolis, Lois reminisces over being a queen for a day.
- Perry White assigns Lois Lane to cover a wrestling match so that it can be reported from a "women's angle". As she watches the matches she comes to realize that this form of wrestling is not a sport per-se but sheer sensationalist entertainment. She focuses her attention more closely when the next match features a wrestler named "The Ugly Superman". Although he is winning the fight against the "Dutch Devil", the Ugly Superman is booed due to his physical appearance to the point where the crowd is throwing objects onto the stage after the Ugly Superman wins the match.
Lois Lane takes pity on the man and decides to visit him in his dressing room. There she praises the gentlemanly Ugly Superman for his performance which delights the man. Unfortunately, he takes things too seriously and appears at the Daily Planet the next day with a dozen roses and a box of chocolates for Lois. He also shows Lois a tattoo he got expressing his love and tells her that he has two tickets for the opera for them to see. When Lois tries to blow him off by saying that she and Clark Kent have to cover a play for the Daily Planet, the Ugly Superman becomes violent and tries to beat Clark up. In order to cover his double identity, Clark uses ink to make it appear that the Ugly Superman has blackened his eyes and caused him to have a nose bleed.
The Ugly Superman takes Lois to a diner where he tells her that he wants to show her off to her wrestler friends. When she refuses, the Ugly Superman believes that Lois has another "date" with Clark Kent and threatens to beat Kent up again if she doesn't go. Lois then has to sit through the opera with the Ugly Superman, who is embarrassing her by eating his snacks loudly. Unbeknown to Lois Lane, Clark Kent has secretly been following them amusing himself with Lois Lane's predicament and decides to intervene as Superman.
Disguising himself as an old man, Superman goes to the gym where the Ugly Superman is showing off his superior strength to try and impress his fellow wrestlers. However, with each feat the Ugly Superman pulls off the "old man" reveals them to be "hoaxes" by using his super-powers to make it appear as though the Ugly Superman is a fake.
Suspicious, the Ugly Superman disrobes the old man revealing him to be the actual Superman. The Ugly Superman tries his best to harm the Man of Steel, but his attacks succeed in nothing more than making himself look foolish. The Ugly Superman, now thoroughly emasculated, admits that he's not worthy of Lois Lane but vows to someday win her heart. Months later, when Lois and Clark are watching a wrestling match they are surprised to find that the Ugly Superman had gotten plastic surgery to change his appearance and is now calling himself the Gorgeous Superman. When he tries to hook back up with Lois, she turns him down gently, saying that it doesn't matter if he is ugly or gorgeous, Lois only has feelings for the REAL Superman.
| - * This issue is reprinted in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane Archives, Volume 1.
* "The Superwoman of Metropolis" was reprinted in Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane #95.
* "The Ugly Superman" was reprinted in Superman (Volume 1) Annual #3.
* [[W:C:DC:Lois Lane
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