| - An expert at explosives and their applications, Mortar takes great pride in his work. Ironically, though, he has a fascination with nature in all its forms, especially when mountain climbing. An expert mechanic and pilot, he truly feels at home when working on heavy machinery. Trained in engineering, Mortar has extensive knowledge of weaponry design. He carries a machine gun with an under-slung grenade launcher in robot mode, as well as a guided mortar launcher. Transforms into a Humvee, equipped with rockets, land mines, and a mini-missile rack. Self-designed HALO Fire Control System provides firing options for his mini-missiles. They can be fired in single, tandem, or area saturation salvos. Mortar is also an avid thrill-seeker.
- Mortar is a support weapon used to suppress targets with shells, and are used throughout the Call of Duty series.
- The Mortar works much like Napalm, although instead of launching flame, the Mortar launches a large explosive which homes in on enemies and creates a thunderous impact with the ground and/or opponents. It is a highly damaging weapon but takes a bit of skill to use, as one must plan ahead before firing the Mortar so that the Mortar can hit an opponent. The best results from Mortars come from direct hits.
- キャノンよりも太く短い砲身を持つモーター砲は、砲弾を空高く撃ち出し、敵陣へと落下させる兵器だ。モーターの砲弾はキャノンのそれと違い、中が空洞になっており、ぎっしりと火薬が詰めこまれている。そして砲弾のてっぺんからは導火線が伸び、パチパチと火花を散らしているのだ。 敵陣のただ中で盛大に爆発した砲弾は、真っ赤に焼けた鉄の破片を四方八方へとまき散らす。狙いさえ確かならば、一部隊をまるまる吹き飛ばすことすらも不可能ではない。
- Mortars are a type of siege weapon. (WoWRPG 157) Mortars launch a grenade-like weapon such as an explosive shell in a high arc to land near or on a target. (WRPG 134)
- The term mortar might refer to:
* Mortar (masonry), a substance used in masonry
* Mortar (weapon), a type of cannon
* Mortar and pestle, a tool and containment vessel used for grinding a material into a powder
- A mortar was a weapon which fired explosive projectiles at low velocities, short ranges, and high-arcing ballistic trajectories. It was typically muzzle-loading with a short barrel, generally less than 15 times its caliber. Destroids, such as the Destroid Spartan and Destroid Tomahawk, often used these kinds of weapons.
- From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mortar]] mortier, from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Mortar]] mortarium.
- The Mortar was a powerful support weapon developed by the Coalition of Ordered Governments to provide squad-level fire support. Like all mortars, it was a long-ranged, indirect-firing weapon intended to deal with troops in cover, keep foes pinned down, and deal with large clusters of enemies at once. Unlike modern mortars, however, the Gears of War Mortar operates with a few unique features.
- Mortars are a type of siege weapon.WoWRPG 157
- There has been no official statement of what the mortars in the Brothers in Arms series are but are constantly File:10cm-smoke-mortar.jpg referred to simply as 'mortars' so a basic history of the Granatwerfer 34, which chances are the mortars used in BiA is presented here. The 8.1 cm mortar gained reputation in the history of WWII as one of the most accurate mortars ever developed and its steady stream of shells merely increased its capability in the field, it also uses a larger mortar shell then the American M2 mortar. (which uses 6 cm shell) The weapon was mostly issued to infantry teams of two who would set-up the mortars and carry it with them. Its body could be broken into three individual blocks, the barrel, baseplate, and bipod.
- A Mortar is a weapon that fires unguided shells towards faraway places to either suppress or kill oncoming enemies. The mortar is first featured in InFamous 2 in the mission Torn used by the Militia at the plantation where Kuo is held. There are four mortars total, being used by Militia in the level. The mortar fires very powerful shells that can cause lots of damage to Cole when he is somewhere near the blast radius. The immediate area of where the mortar might hit is marked by a spot of orange light getting bigger as the shell is about to hit. If anywhere near, Cole will take damage and if he is at the center, he will be critically wounded (instantly killed on Hard difficulty).
- Mortar is a skill that can be given to a lemming in Lemmings 2: The Tribes. A lemming given this skill fires an explosive projectile diagonally upwards. When the projectile lands, it creates a knockback explosion which sends nearby lemmings flying and stuns them. The explosion makes a hole in terrain, but does not affect steel. This skill is entirely similar to the Bazooka, except for the angle at which the projectile is launched.
- The Mortar is a long ranged Weapon Team manned by a crew of three. Loader, gunner and spotter. Although only two are needed to man it. American and Wehrmecht forces both have access to Mortar Infantry, while British forces can take it as a fixed emplacement or Commando Mortar teams if the Commander chooses the Commando tech tree, and Panzer Elite have access to a highly mobile mortar mounted on a Halftrack.
- The ancient mortar is still a relatively popular weapon during extended ground campaigns. The mortar has the ability to bombard enemy positions from behind cover thereby reducing the vulnerability of the troops operating it and increasing their survivability. Despite its indirect fire abilities the mortar is not exceptionally strong against more heavily armored troops - and certainly not against tanks.
- Mortars are indirect fire weapons that fire explosive projectiles known as (mortar) bombs at low velocities, short ranges, and high-arcing ballistic trajectories. They were used by the Confederate Marine Corps during the Guild Wars.
- Mortar troops have great destructive power and greater range than archers, but they are slower due to the heavy weight of their cannons.
- Mortar is a Commando in the PS1 game Small Soldiers. It is ultimately not seen in the film.
- A proposed weapon for the mortar class in Day of Defeat but turned down due to gameplay tests showing that it was too powerful. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- The Mortar is the Inca unique unit of the File:Enlightenment age small.jpg Enlightenment Age, replacing the standard Cannon. The Mortar's projectiles move much slower than a Cannon's, and have 1 less tile of minimum range (meaning they cannot be shot as close to the target), but are much more accurate, with their accuracy staying high even at long ranges. They also have an additional +5% of splash, and a 10% damage bonus against buildings.
- The Mortar soldier uses a long-range, slow-firing mortar. They are commonly found behind cover. Strangely, they will not move from their original spots, even if the enemy is right beside them. Mortar soldiers are used by the Rebel Army, the Amadeus Syndicate and the Ptolemaic Army.
- The Mortar is an artillery unit in Age of Empires III.
- The mortar has the simplest construction design. It is used in defense against armored ships and as an interceptor against large fleets.
- The Mortar is a secondary vehicle weapon featured in RAGE. They are unlocked at level 16 in the multiplayer mode Road Rage. There are 12 Mortar Shells loaded in at the beginning of every Rally.
- The basic mortar, the Crash Mortar deals high damage to enemy vehicles and structures and low but still dangerous damage to enemy infantry. It is best used as an anti-vehicle and final attack weapon, and can be used to cause a avenger kill when you have died if aimed correctly at an unshielded and damaged enemy.
- The Mortar is a weapon that was introduced in Worms 2. It is the replacement of the Grenade Launcher from Worms: The Director's Cut, and is very similar to it.
- IMG COMING SOON Base Cost: ? Description: Mortars are unmovable, uncommandable, weldable, melons that are meant to attack units from a distance, although they can attack a enemy melon even if they are standing right beside them. Mortars fire small projectiles up, then it arcs towards the enemy melon. the mortar can't hit single moving targets due to the speed of the projectile, but instead large moving groups, or targets that are holding still. Mortars were adding in the WM:RTS gamemode.
- Like the AKM and a few other weapons, the mortar has been featured in every Rambo film after the first one.
- The mortars are capable of taking on vehicles and buildings. Infantry squads do not stand a chance, as the mortar rounds tear entire squads apart in mere seconds. In the unofficial 1.02+ patch for Kane's Wrath, the player is able to directly switch to and from mortar usage for more precise attacks.
- The Mortar is a cannon-like weapon in Fable III. It is used by elements of the Royal Army and by Logan's Guard. This advanced weapon is first used during the story mission The Hollow Legion, where it serves as the primary artillery piece at Mourningwood Fort. Used to combat the legions of Hollow Men native to Mourningwood, the Hero of Brightwall is instructed in its use by Private Jammy on a series of scarecrows. However, it is soon revealed that one of the targets was a Hollow Man in disguise, who quickly summons allies to attack the fort. Although Jammy is killed in the ensuing conflict, the Hero's newly acquired skill with the mortar thinned the number of Hollow Men substantially, giving The Swift Brigade the advantage necessary to win the battle.
- A mortar is a long range indirect-fire projectile weapon used to deliver shells of explosives or chemical weapons. A mortar can be used to launch photon grenades. Photon grenades mortars were part of the armory on Cestus III Colony. When a rescue landing party found the colony decimated, they were able to salvage a supply of mortar-launched photon grenades and used them to cover their escape from Cestus III in the face of an ongoing Gorn attack. In the year 2269, the crew of the USS Enterprise used photon grenade mortars against the Sackers. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Arena; TOS novel: The Three-Minute Universe)