| - Sechs "The Tera Spider-Man" Arme (武器, Sechs Arme) is a member of the Spider-Tribe, he was the third in command of the Zwei Triad and then becoming the shipwright of The Zwei Pirates. Originally Sechs was a trouble marker among the marines and other civilians. He originally ran an underground fighting club and whenever he was found out. He went underground and then came across Zwei and Warts, hearing of them that they were forming a gang. Sechs wanted to join and he did. During his days as a gang officers, he had found the Tera Tera no Mi. Using this to his own will, he had created countless conflicts between other rivaling gangs. From killing important leaders and such, being that he was a member of the Spider-Tribe. He had the natural ability of climbing on walls to do such feats, making him the best shipwright around. It seems that he is the first of the spider-tribe to be seen in the world and his home island unknown. But he had often turned up in Loguetown for business and such. Since then he had earned himself an unknown bounty, for such crimes as. Committed whenever he was a kid, causing a lot of trouble from stealing and other such acts. Then starting his own drug trade and devil fruit trade, starting an underground fight club. Kidnapping several teenagers to fight in said ring and ultimately leading some to their deaths. His most famous crime was getting several women drunk and letting several of the gang members to have their way with them and then killing these innocent women. With this Sechs wishes to have all of the money and women in the world, once the crew and him find one piece.