| - Noli was one of the first Matoran to live on Kavaka Nui. She was one of the Matoran who helped to choose the location of Ga-Kriva, and later helped to build it. Noli is also credited as the founder of the Ga-Kriva Guard, becoming it's first Captain. When Turaga Matara suggested Kavlok be the Guard Captain instead, Noli challenged her to a duel. Kavlok won and become the new Guard Captain, with Noli Second-in-command. The two have been good friends since then. Noli was around when Kavaka Nui entered it's Golden Age and the villages on the island sprang into thriving cities. When the [[Cutl rose to power, Noli helped Kavlok, Galakii and Toa Armai evacuate Ga-Kriva when Pavarakh and Lavurnius sunk the city. Turaga Matara could not be saved in time, and was swept towards Kra-Kavaka as she tried to swim back to shore. Her fate remains unknown. Like many of the leading members of the Guard - which renamed itself the Ga-Kavaka Guard - Noli made her home in one of the coastal villages on the shore of Matara Bay. Eventually, Noli retired from the guard, growing tired of the immense danger, stress and combatant lifestyle. She set up a successful ferry bussiness, and built Matara Bay Harbour in memory of Turaga Matara. She was recently summoned with five other Matoran by Turaga Zetian to the Ko-Kriva Astrolaboratory. There, he revealed their destinies as Toa, and that the stars promised their Toa stones could be found in the Forgotten Keep at the centre of Darkmaze Canyon.